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Abigail Augusty Devina
Sisca Aulia


The Gade Coffee and Gold is a coffee shop as a form of business owned by PT. Pegadaian (Persero). In a business venture, a marketing effort is needed to improve and develop the business, and also to be able to survive and compete with other competitors. The purpose of this study is to identify and explain the social media marketing strategy of The Gade Coffee and Gold's Instagram. The author uses a qualitative approach and case study method. The data obtained by the author in this study were through in-depth interviews with four informants, non-participant observation, and literature study. This study indicates that the social media marketing strategy carried out through Instagram The Gade Coffee and Gold is to present exciting and interactive content and use the concept of riding the moment in presenting content that follows the trend being hit in the community to attract their attention. This has a good impact on the marketing development of The Gade Coffee and Gold. It is also helpful in increasing its coffee shop business. Until now, The Gade Coffee and Gold continues to try and improve its marketing which is only done through social media, by creating and presenting interesting and informative content. Through this, it also ultimately impacts the excellent relationship between The Gade Coffee and Gold and its consumers, especially being able to establish cooperative or collaborative relationships with several communities.

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