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Vera W.S. Soemarwi
Nurulainni Triagustin



 The government represented by the COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force began to loosen regulations for people who want to travel using aircraft by issuing the Circular Letter of COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force Number 9 of 2020. According to the Circular Letter, prospective passengers are required to attach a rapid test result or negative PCR test result which is valid for 14 days. Passengers have objections to this requirement because of the high cost and this requirement is deemed to be inaccurate in detecting Covid-19 virus, moreover circular letters released during the pandemic often contradict with each other or with higher regulations. The purpose of this research is to find out if rapid tests and PCR tests carried out by aviation service users are able to prevent the COVID-19 transmission in the aviation sector and if the Circular Letter of COVID-19 Response Acceleration Task Force Number 9 of 2020 can be applied for the general public. The aim of this research hopefully can be useful for the public, law enforcers and law practitioners. This research uses normative legal research, with statute approach. Based on the interview result with 50 passengers, it shows that some of them object to this requirement. However, a circular may be applied for the public as long as the implementation of regulations is required and is in accordance with the field, and the previous regulations have not regulated nor covered the general public. 

Rincian Artikel



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