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Sutrisnowati Machdijar


Ruang dalam bangunan menjadi masalah kenyamanan termal jika yang melakukan aktivitas dalam ruang kepanasan, atau sebagian anggota badannya terkena cahaya matahari. Aktivitas dalam penelitian ini belajar pada ruang-ruang kelas SI Al-Azhar BSD Serpong Tangerang. Permasalahan penelitian dirumuskan; 1)Apakah ruang-ruang kelas mempunyai kenyamanan termal; 2) Apakah ada hubungan antara orientasi bukaan pada bangunan dengan kenyamanan termal. Tujuan dan manfaat penelitian ini untuk mengetahui, meneliti dan membuktikan; 1)Apakah ruang kelas pada bangunan mempunyai kenyamanan termal yang dinyatakan dengan TE; 2) Apakah ada hubungan orientasi bukaan pada bangunan dengan kenyamanan termal yang dinyatakan dengan TE. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode analisis deskriptif pada studi kasus bangunan SI Al – Azhar BSD. Analisa dilakukan secara deskriptif sebagai berikut; 1) Membandingkan data hasil pengukuran dengan data hasil penelitian sejenis yang pernah dilakukan; 2)Mencari kemungkinan hubungan orientasi bukaan bangunan dengan kenyamanan termal yang dinyatakan dengan TE. Hasil penelitian ini; 1)Kenyamanan termal berdasarkan iklim dan perasaan termal pengguna ruang terbukti bahwa ruang-ruang kelas SLTA, SLTP dan TK tidak nyaman termal; 2) Kenyamanan termal dipengaruhi oleh orientasi bukaan bangunan; 3)Perlu ditinjau kembali bukaan dan teritis karena adanya bidang transparan yang terkena cahaya matahari langsung dalam ruang kelas.


Most of time people spends in buildings, consequently, a space/room in a building should give such a comfortable feeling to accommodate a human activity therein. A space/room in a building has a comfort problem if a person who does an activity in a heat room or part of his/her body is suffering from the sunlight. The research is mainly deals with study activity or type of it in the classrooms at the Islamic School of AL-Azhar BSD Serpong Tangerang. The reason why the Islamic School of Al-Azhar had been chosen as a case study of this research are: 1) direct to the object; 2) the existing building built to answer local temperature; 3) with its characteristic, may cause need of the space/room user will be different from the need of space/room user in the other school; 4) thermal comfort of a building is one of factors which can increase study result of the students; 5) through changing the schedule study due to duration of their study time becoming longer every day. The case of this research can be formulated as follows: 1) is there any thermal comfort in the classroom? 2) is there any correlation between an opening orientation in a building and a thermal comfort?The objective and goal of this research are, to know, to study and to prove: 1) Is there any thermal comfort in the class-room of a building which expressed as ET; 2) Is there a correlation   between an opening orientation in a building and a thermal comfort which   expressed as ET. The research is used a descriptive analytical method for a case study in the building of AL-Azhar BSD. An analysis will be carried out   descriptively as follows: 1) To compare measurement’s result data with similar research’s which had been done previously; 2) To determine a connective possibility of the building’s opening orientation and a thermal comfort expressed as ET. The result of this research can be concluded such as follows: 1) A thermal comfort base upon climate and thermal feeling of room’s user, could be proved that, the class-room of the high school, secondary school and kindergarten has no thermal comfort at all; 2) A thermal comfort is influenced by a building’s opening orientation; 3) Need to be re-arranged the opening and covered passageway due to existing transparency area which suffered from a direct sunlight in the class room.

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