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Caroline Tresnoputri
Rasji Rasji


Indonesia is a democratic country that always tries to guarantee the rights of its
citizens io freedom of association and assembly. The guarantee of this basic rightiis
in the state constitution, namely the 1945 Constitution. The right to associate and
assemble is a forum for establishing a political party. In the iynamics of the state,
it is always related to the dynamics of political parties. These political parties play
a very important role in the direction of policies and goals of a country. The
evelopment of a political party can also shake a country, so it is necessary to
ilimit ithe iestablishment iof ipolitical iparties. The ilimitation iof ithe iright iof iassociation
iaims ito iprotect ithe istate iand icitizens. iPolitical iparties iwith idif erent iideologies ifrom
ithe istate iwill ibe idissolved ior ifrozen, ithe imechanism iof iwhich iis ialso iregulated iby
ithe istate. iThe idissolution iof ia ipolitical iparty iis ia iform iof istate irestriction ito iensure
inational isecurity iand ialso iguarantees ithe irights iof icitizens.

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