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Twina Nurul Ariestiana
Rasji Rasji


In providing legal protection for children, the state has ratified Law No. 35 of 2014 which is an
amendment to Law No. 23 of 2022 regarding Child Protection. The method in this study applies the
normative legal method which is supported by empirical law. The normative legal research method
is a method used to conduct a study of an existing written legal material. In this study, it was found
that during the Covid-19 pandemic, with the vacancy of the KPPAD commissioner, from a security
perspective, a safety guarantee was also provided for victim witnesses and reporters, both
physically, mentally or socially. In this case, information is given to the victim/victim's family
regarding the progress of the outcome of the ongoing case in the District Court until the completion
of the process. In addition to physical and mental protection, the provision of restitution and
material compensation is also very much needed by the victim/victim's family, considering the
victims of crimes against children during the Covid-19 Pandemic. The impact of the vacancy of the
KPPAD commissioner on child protection carried out by the Riau Islands Provincial Government during the Covid-19 pandemic, among others, the many cases that were not handled by the UPTD
and the Police due to the increasing crime rate. cases involving children as victims. Victims
(children) have suf ered for years because they do not dare to report, they are afraid that if victims
(children) report they will be psychologically intimidated by irresponsible parties.

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Undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Anak