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Sawsan Yasmine Ohoiwutun
Hanafi Tanawijaya


The existence of the practice of renting a womb carried out by the community raises many legal problems, which
must be responded to by all parties. Indonesia does not yet have specific and specific rules regarding the rental
of the womb. If you want to know the rules and regulations related to the issue of uterine rental, then they are
related and related to several laws and regulations that apply in Indonesia. For example, what is the legal status
of the child born from the rental of the womb. This study is to determine the legal consequences of children born
from a womb rental agreement. This study aims to determine the legal certainty of children born from the results
of a uterine rental agreement. Legal relationship, namely if the child is born from a woman whose womb is
rented who is bound by marriage (has a husband) then the child will be domiciled as the legal child of the
woman. In Islamic law, the practice of renting a uterus is not permitted.

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Daftar Pustaka

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