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Kelvin Arizona
Christine S.T. Kansil


Copyright is an exclusive right owned by an author that can arise automatically based on declarative principles
after the existence of a work which is then made into a concrete form without any reduction or restriction in
accordance with the provisions of the legislation. Copyright itself, if detailed in more detail, can be said to be a
right that can be used in the context of copying a copyrighted work, which then gives the right holder an
opportunity to determine restrictions on the act of duplicating his creation without permission and also the right
is limited in terms of meaning has a certain time limit on its validity. Intellectual property is attached to the
creation of the mind, and this is attached to everyone who owns the work of his creation if the work is published
but there will be problems if a person or legal entity uses the work of another person. There is a problem in this
writing, namely how is the application of Law No. 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright against alleged violations of
photographic copyright (Jefry Tarigan VS Tribun News)? This research is that not all acts of illegally taking
works are prohibited or considered copyright infringement, but in every photographic work that we call a
portrait, that is, it has received protection since the portrait was uploaded. Copyright infringement can be
categorized if someone does not have copyright permission from the creator and fulfills several components of
copyright infringement, but if these components are not met, it cannot be stated that a copyright has been

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