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Amelia Elisabeth Putri Kusuma
Ade Adhari


The purpose of this research is to analyze and understand the application of main suspect of justice collaborator criteria in Indonesia. This research is a normative law research, namely a law research conducted by examining legal books, legal journals and other library materials as well as the secondary data related to justice collaborator. The result of this research is the legal certainty regarding the main suspect of the justice collaborator criteria that has not been fulfilled by the Indonesian Law, so it has the potential to harm the law enforcement process. This is due to lack of understanding of the main suspect of justice collaborator among the law enforcers. Therefore, the intervention of the authorities to improve the current legal system is required in order to achieve the legal objectives. Specifically justice, expediency, and legal certainty especially regarding the justice collaborator. The Government needs to accommodate this policy in a clear, vivid and complete rules. Starting from the criteria and the condition, implementation of procedures, the reward and the protection for the justice collaborator himself.

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Diakses tanggal 10 Oktober 2021.

D. Website

Institute For Criminal Justice Reform. “Problem Penetapan Bagi Pelaku Yang

Bekerjasama Masih Terjadi di Pengadilan, Hakim dan Jaksa Masih Belum

Sepakat Soal Status Pelaku Y