Perancangan Kampanye Promosi Tas Ramah Lingkungan dari Bahan Nabati Singkong

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Cindy Silvya
Mariati Mariati
Pindi Setiawan


Telobag is a bioplastic brand that made from cassava. Created to fulfill society needs for eco-friendly products as the era goes by. Telobag has a lot of product excellence, such as all the substances are made from cassava, organic and non-toxic. But all these advantages of the product are rarely known by society, because of the lack promotion and information Telobag has not provides. In DKI Jakarta, plastic bag has been banned from using. Therefore, a product-oriented promotion campaign for Telobag products was made to introduce it to the people of DKI Jakarta. The purpose of this campaign is to introduce Telobag as a bioplastic that made from cassava and more environment friendly than plastic bag to the society. The methods to gather all data and information for this campaign are interview, observation, literature review and questionnaire to the target audience who are millennials. The outcome from this campaign will be communicated through print media such as poster and brochures, as well as the online media from web design to social media promotion.

Rincian Artikel

Biografi Penulis

Cindy Silvya, Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain, Universitas Tarumanagara

Nama: Cindy Silvya

NIM: 625180006

Tugas Akhir Angkatan: 45

Kelompok: 13


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Teloadmin. (2018, 11 17). Kelebihan Bioplastik Telobag Yang Harus Anda Tahu. Retrieved from Telobag: