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Della Selvia
Jessica Violita
Nofaria Herlianti Marta


Public speaking is the process of speaking to a group of people in a structured, deliberate manner intended to inform, influence, or entertain the listeners. Speaking in front of audience is not an easy task. It needs a good speaking skill. Fear and nervousness become major problem, especially for beginners who have not experienced in public speaking. Public Speaking is a very important thing to apply to children, but there are many children who are not confident and also do not dare to express opinions due to the lack of application of public speaking. Public speaking is a very important thing to apply to children, but there are many children who are not confident and also do not dare to express opinions due to the lack of application of public speaking. Just like what happened to children in the Rambutan Jakarta RPTRA, according to a survey conducted, there were 80% of children who played there had dif iculty in Public Speaking. Public speaking skills should be trained, nurtured and developed from an early age or children. Children who are accustomed to expressing opinions, being able to express and develop their potential will support their success in adulthood.


Berbicara di depan umum adalah proses berbicara kepada sekelompok orang dengan cara terstruktur yang disengaja dimaksudkan untuk menginformasikan, mempengaruhi, atau menghibur pendengar. Berbicara di depan umum bukanlah tugas yang mudah. Perlu keterampilan berbahasa yang baik. Ketakutan dan kegelisahan menjadi masalah besar, terutama bagi pemula yang belum berpengalaman dalam public speaking. Public speaking merupakan hal yang sangat penting untuk diterapkan kepada anak – anak, namun banyak sekali anak – anak yang tidak percaya diri dan juga tidak berani untuk mengungkapkan pendapat yang dikarenakan kurangnya penerapan public speaking. Seperti hal nya yang terjadi kepada anak – anak yang ada di RPTRA Rambutan Jakarta, menurut survey yang dilakukan terdapat 80% anak yang bermain di sana mengalami kesulitan dalam Public Speaking. Keterampilan public speaking harus dilatih, dibina dan dikembangkan sejak usia dini atau anak-anak. Anak-anak yang terbiasa mengungkapkan pendapat, mampu berekspresi serta mengembangkan potensi mereka akan menunjang kesuksesan mereka di masa dewasa.

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