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I Wayan Sukania
Lithrone Laricha
Lamto Widodo
Jennifer Juyanto
Yovita N G


There are many designs and constructions of clotheslines on the market today. The materials used also vary. The ease of use and the effectiveness of the drying process attracts users. The design can still be developed according to the needs and tastes of consumers by incorporating ergonomic and aesthetic aspects in product design. The design and manufacture of clothesline products is very interesting for students. However, the introduction of product design theory and the manufacturing process, especially products made of iron, for students at school is still lacking. Likewise, the practice of making products through the welding process has not been carried out, so knowledge, understanding and skills related to this are still minimal. Therefore it needs to be improved through a training. The training is carried out in 2 stages. The first stage is the presentation of theories and insights and the second stage is in the form of training on product design and manufacture. The design stage produces several concepts that consider ergonomic and aesthetic aspects. The practice stage produces an ergonomic minimalist clothes rack product. Making a clothesline requires the work of measuring materials, cutting, sanding, grinding, rolling, welding and painting. The PKM questionnaire was given at the beginning and end of the activity to find out the amount of addition to the knowledge, skills and insights of the participants. Based on the analysis of the questionnaire before and after the training, information was obtained that there was an increase in the understanding and skills of the participants. Increased understanding of the importance of market research by 80%, understanding of using equipment in a welding workshop and experience of working in groups increased by 100%. Increased understanding of the importance of human factors by 67%, product design stages increased by 66.3%. Meanwhile, with respect to the instructor's guide and training materials, all participants said they were satisfied. In general, clothesline product design skills training activities are called successful.


Desain dan konstruksi jemuran pakaian yang ada di pasaran saat ini sangat banyak modelnya. Bahan yang digunakan juga bervariasi. Kemudahan dalam penggunaan dan efektifitas proses pengeringan menjadi daya tarik pengguna. Desainnya masih terus dapat dikembangkan sesuai kebutuhan dan selera konsumen dengan memasukkan aspek ergonomi dan estetika dalam perancangan produknya. Perancangan dan pembuatan produk jemuran pakaian sangat menarik minat siswa. Namun pengenalan teori perancangan produk dan proses pembuatannya, khususnya produk berbahan besi bagi siswa di sekolah dirasakan masih kurang. Demikian juga praktik pembuatan produk melalui proses pengelasan belum dilakukan, sehingga pengetahuan, pemahaman dan keterampilan terkait hal ini masih minim. Oleh karena itu perlu ditingkatkan melalui sebuah pelatihan. Pelatihan dilaksanakan melalui 2 tahapan. Tahap pertama pemaparan teori serta wawasan dan tahap kedua berupa latihan perancangan dan pembuatan produk. Tahap perancangan menghasilkan beberapa konsep yang mempertimbangkan aspek ergonomi dan estetika. Tahap praktik menghasilkan produk rak jemuran minimalis ergonomis. Pembuatan rak jemuran, memerlukan pekerjaan mengukur bahan, memotong, mengamplas, menggerinda, mengerol, mengelas dan mengecat. Kuesioner PKM diberikan pada awal dan akhir kegiatan untuk mengetahui besarnya penambahan ilmu, keterampilan dan wawasan para peserta. Berdasarkan analisis kuesioner sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan diperoleh informasi terjadi peningkatan pemahaman dan keterampilan para peserta. Peningkatan pemahaman pentingnya riset pasar sebesar 80%, pemahaman menggunakan peralatan di bengkel las dan pengalaman bekerja berkelompok meningkat sebesar 100%. Peningkatan pemahaman pada pentingnya faktor manusia sebesar 67%, tahapan perancangan produk naik sebesar 66,3%. Sementara terhadap panduan instruktur dan materi pelatihan semua peserta mengatakan puas. Secara umum kegiatan pelatihan keterampilan perancangan produk jemuran disebut berhasil.

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