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P. J. Suranto
W. Sulistyawati
S. Ginting


Fish including food ingredients that are not durable or easily damaged. The large number of fish caught by fishermen in Indonesia requires a preservation process so that it does not rot when marketed and is suitable for consumption, because the process of selling fish does not run out in a day, so a preservation process is needed. This preservation process requires Appropriate Technology (TTG) tools. This TTG tool is very good to use because it has several advantages, including: easy to make, produces a long preservation period, the taste of fish is quite unique and delicious, the process does not use chemicals, the preservation process is faster and also economical. wood/charcoal. The target to be achieved is that the fishing community can make TTG tools and can process fish preservation with a smoking system. The feasibility test of this tool produces fish with a water content of 50% to 60% which is durable for 14 days and the taste is also quite unique and delicious. Training on making TTG tools and training on the process of preserving fish using this tool was carried out in the fishing village of Pulo Ampel, Serang Regency, Banten Province. It is hoped that it can motivate the manufacture of this TTG tool and motivate the processing of fish preservation so that it can be used as a superior product that can generate added value for fishing groups in Pulo Ampel village.


Ikan termasuk bahan makanan yang tidak tahan lama atau mudah rusak. Banyaknya ikan hasil tangkapan nelayan di Indonesia sehingga perlu adanya proses pengawetan agar tidak membusuk saat dipasarkan dan layak dikonsumsi, karena proses penjualan ikan tidak langsung habis dalam sehari, sehingga diperlukan proses pengawetan. Proses pengawetan ini membutuhkan alat Teknologi Tepat Guna (TTG). Alat TTG ini sangat baik digunakan karena memiliki beberapa keunggulan antara lain: mudah dibuat, menghasilkan masa pengawetan yang lama, rasa ikan yang cukup unik dan enak, prosesnya tidak menggunakan bahan kimia, proses pengawetan lebih cepat dan juga hemat. kayu/arang. Target yang ingin dicapai diharapkan masyarakat nelayan dapat membuat alat TTG dan dapat mengolah pengawetan ikan dengan sistem pengasapan. Uji kelayakan alat ini menghasilkan ikan dengan kadar air 50% sampai 60% yang awet selama 14 hari dan rasanya juga cukup unik dan enak. Pelatihan pembuatan alat TTG dan pelatihan proses pengawetan ikan menggunakan alat ini dilaksanakan di desa nelayan Pulo Ampel Kabupaten Serang Provinsi Banten. Diharapkan dapat memotivasi pembuatan alat TTG ini dan memotivasi pengolahan pengawetan ikan sehingga dapat dijadikan produk unggulan yang dapat menghasilkan nilai tambah bagi kelompok nelayan di desa Pulo Ampel.

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