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Susy Olivia Lontoh
Yonathan Julian Haryanto
Aydhing Nathasya Jap


Excess body weight is a serious public health problem in the world and is correlated with cardiometabolic comorbidities that can reduce quality of life. The digital era and the transition from the pandemic period caused the daily lives of young adults to be inactive at home, lazy to exercise, so the community service team carried out health education activities related to weight management through sports exercises. The purpose of health education activities is to increase the knowledge and awareness of education participants to maintain weight and do regular exercise. Online and offline health education was conducted on 15 and 16 October 2022 at 10.00- 12.00 WIB. The results showed that 12.5% of participants did not routinely carry out physical activities at home or boarding houses and 37.5% of participants sometimes routinely carried out physical activities at home or boarding houses. Participants who regularly exercise 3x a week as much as 25%, participants who do not exercise regularly around 37.5%. Based on the length of time spent sitting and lying down while watching TV on cellphones/playing smartphones in a day as many as >50% participants more than 4 hours a day often play smartphones and lie down. The nutritional status of the participants based on the BMI of obese participants because BMI > 27, ways to prevent a sedentary lifestyle 87.5% answered walking more often than climbing stairs and 12.5% less exercise. Participants answered the recommended physical exercise, then 87.5% of participants answered 2-3 times in 1 week for 30 minutes while 12.5% of participants answered 1x 1 week for 10 minutes. These results indicate that participants' understanding still needs to be improved on the prevention of a sedentary lifestyle and the recommended frequency and intensity of physical exercise in daily life and the need to monitor body weight to prevent obesity.


Berat badan berlebih menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat serius di dunia dan berkorelasi dengan penyakit penyerta kardiometabolik yang dapat menurunkan kualitas hidup. Era digital serta peralihan peralihan dari masa pandemi menyebabkan keseharian dewasa muda di rumah tidak aktif , malas berolahraga maka tim pengabdian masyarakat melakukan kegiatan edukasi kesehatan terkait pengaturan berat badan melalui latihan olahraga. Tujuan dari kegiatan edukasi kesehatan adalah meningkatkan pengetahuan serta kesadaran peserta edukasi agar menjaga berat badan dan melakukan olahraga secara teratur. Edukasi kesehatan secara daring dan luring dilakukan tanggal 15 dan 16 Oktober 2022 pukul 10.00-12.00 WIB didapatkan hasil 12,5 % peserta tidak rutin melakukan aktivitas fisik di rumah atau kos dan 37,5 % peserta kadang rutin melakukan aktivitas fisik di rumah atau kos. Peserta yang rutin berolahraga seminggu 3x sebanyak 25 %, peserta yang tidak berolahraga secara rutin berkisar 37,5 %. Berdasarkan lamanya menghabiskan waktu duduk berbaring sambil menonton TV di Hp/ bermain smartphone dalam sehari sebanyak peserta >50% lebih dari 4 jam sehari sering bermain smartphone dan berbaring. Status gizi para peserta berdasarkan IMT peserta gemuk karena IMT > 27, cara pencegahan pola hidup sedentari 87,5% menjawab lebih sering berjalan kaki daripada naik tangga dan 12,5 % kurangi olahraga. Peserta menjawab latihan fisik yang dianjurkan maka 87,5 % peserta menjawab 2-3 kali dalam 1 minggu selama 30 menit sedaangkan 12,5% peserta menjawab 1 minggu 1x selama 10 menit. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa pemahaman peserta masih perlu ditingkatkan pada pencegahan pola hidup sedentari dan frekuensi serta intensitas latihan fisik yang dianjurkan pada kehidupan sehari-hari serta perlu pemantuan berat badan mencegah obesitas.

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