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Anastasia Ratnawati Biromo
Cresia Adelia Wibowo
Lulu Naeluvar
Dennis Onesimus Indra


Poor sleep hygiene causes poor quality and quantity of sleep. Lack of sleep in adolescents and young adults causes psychological stress. Limited knowledge of sleep and sleep hygiene is something that must be considered. Preventive efforts are needed related to sleep problems through health education related to sleep, especially sleep quality and sleep hygiene. The purpose of this health education is to increase knowledge and awareness of the importance of sleep hygiene so that it can improve the quality and quantity of sleep. Health education activities related to sleep hygiene are in the form of interactive counseling so that participants can interact directly and are expected to increase knowledge and apply sleep hygiene in daily life. Educational activities related to sleep hygiene have been carried out on October 16, 2022 at 10:00-11:00 WIB online. The activity was attended by 50 participants with an age range of 21-37 years, with 37 female participants. The average result of the pretest related to sleep hygiene material is 74 and the average posttest result is 86.8, there has been an increase in knowledge of 17.3%.


Kebersihan tidur yang buruk menyebabkan buruknya kualitas dan kuantitas tidur. Kurang tidur pada remaja serta dewasa muda menyebabkan tekanan psikologis. Keterbatasan pengetahuan tidur dan sleep hygiene menjadi hal yang harus diperhatikan. Perlu upaya preventif terkait permasalahan gangguan tidur melalui edukasi kesehatan terkait tidur terutama kualitas tidur serta sleep hygiene. Tujuan dari edukasi kesehatan ini meningkatkan pengetahuan serta kesadaran pentingnya sleep hygiene sehingga dapat memperbaiki kualitas dan kuantitas tidur. Kegiatan edukasi kesehatan terkait sleep hygiene berbentuk penyuluhan interaktif maka peserta dapat berinteraksi langsung dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan pengetahuan dan menerapkan sleep hygiene di kehidupan sehari-hari. Kegiatan edukasi terkait sleep hygiene telah dilaksanakan tanggal 16 Oktober 2022 pukul 10.00-11.00 WIB secara daring. Kegiatan dihadiri 50 peserta dengan rentang usia antara 21-37 tahun, dengan peserta perempuan sebanyak 37 orang. Hasil rata-rata pretest terkait materi sleep hygiene yaitu 74 dan hasil rata-rata postes adalah 86,8, telah terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan sebesar 17,3 %.

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