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Enny Irawaty
Angela Meisya Song
Gabriela Miracle


Metabolic syndrome is a serious health problem. Someone who suffers from metabolic syndrome has a higher risk of heart disease, diabetes mellitus, stroke, etc. Education related to the prevention of metabolic syndrome and its application is rarely carried out in the Tomang village, West Jakarta. Based on the conditions faced by partners, health education activities are carried out to increase knowledge related to the prevention of metabolic syndrome. Health education with the theme "Prevent Metabolic Syndrome" took place on Thursday, October 6, 2022, from 14.00-16.00 and was attended by 34 participants. Educational participants consisted of 9 males and 25 females. The pretest was conducted before the participants attended the education, and the average result of the pretest was 46.32. The results of the pretest showed that the participants' initial knowledge regarding the prevention of metabolic syndrome was still not good. The post-test was carried out after the delivery of the material and questions and answers, and the average result of the post-test was 60.00. Based on the results of the post-test, there was an increase in the knowledge of participants in the prevention of metabolic syndrome education by 29.5%.


Sindroma metabolik menjadi permasalahan kesehatan serius. Seseorang yang menderita sindroma metabolik memiliki risiko lebih tinggi terkena penyakit jantung, diabetes melitus, stroke, dll. Edukasi terkait cara pencegahan sindroma metabolik dan penerapannya jarang dilakukan di kelurahan Tomang, Jakarta Barat. Berdasarkan kondisi yang dihadapi mitra, maka dilakukan kegiatan edukasi kesehatan dengan tujuan meningkatkan pengetahuan terkait pencegahan sindroma metabolik. Edukasi kesehatan dengan tema “Cegah Sindroma Metabolik” berlangsung pada hari Kamis, 6 Oktober 2022 pukul 14.00-16.00, telah diikuti 34 peserta. Peserta edukasi terdiri 9 laki-laki dan 25 perempuan. Pretest dilakukan sebelum peserta mengikuti edukasi pencegahan sindroma metabolik dan didapatkan hasil rata-rata sebesar 46,32. Hasil pretest tersebut menunjukkan pengetahuan awal peserta terkait pencegahan sindroma metabolik masih kurang baik. Post-test dilakukan setelah penyampaian materi dan tanya jawab, dengan hasil rata-rata post-test adalah 60,00. Berdasarkan hasil post-test, terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan peserta edukasi pencegahan sindroma metabolik sebesar 29,5%.

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