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Rosalina Rosalina
Anindya Dewi Paramita
Evanytha Evanytha


This study aims to get an overview of the meaning and experience of being transgender.  This study use a qualitative research method, researcher conducted interviews with two subjects, one female to male transgender subject and one male to female subject. This research we will see how the dynamics that transgenders go through and feel. The description of meaning and experience as transgender is seen based on the dynamics that occur in the lives of each subject.  The results showed that each subject had a discrepancy between their gender identity and their biological gender identity and had different fluctuations since childhood, continued to develop as adults, but both chose to cover up their gender identity for fear of the consequences. This research can be used for additional information on health administration and education in educating the public about transgender needs. The results showed that the two subjects had similar meanings but different experiences.

Individu transgender adalah individu yang identitas gendernya berbeda dengan jenis kelamin biologis yang terberi, sehingga pemaknaan terhadap identitas gender dengan jenis kelamin biologisnya juga mengalami perbedaan dan seringkali memberikan penglaman yang tidak sederhana bagi individu tersebut. Oleh karena itu, tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui gambaran pemaknaan dan penglaman sebagai seorang transgender. Pendekatan kualitatif dilakukan terhadap satu orang transgender female to male dan satu orang transgender male to female yang dipilih secara purposive. Data untuk penelitian ini diperoleh dari wawancara semi terstruktur. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kedua subjek memiliki pemaknaan yang serupa namun pengalaman yang berbeda.

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