Jurnal Kajian Teknologi https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi Jurnal Kajian Teknologi adalah Jurnal Ilmiah dengan kontek di bidang teknik yang diterbitkan oleh Fakultas Teknik Universitas Tarumanagara en-US <p>This work is licensed under a Jurnal Komunikasi <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.</a></p> jkt_ftuntar13@yahoo.com (Agustinus Purna Irawan) jkt_ftuntar13@yahoo.com (sugiyanto) Sat, 29 Jul 2017 11:48:17 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 PENGGUNAAN METODE SLOPE DEFLECTION PADA STRUKTUR PORTAL BERGOYANG STATIS TAK TENTU DENGAN KEKAKUAN YANG TIDAK MERATA DALAM SATU BALOK DAN KOLOM https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/614 <div style="left: 92.64px; top: 261.913px; font-size: 9.3447px; font-family: serif; transform: scaleX(1.01628);">Various method which can be used to analyze the statically indeterminate beam with beam's difference stiffness EI is a Slope Deflection method, Consistent Deformation method, Clayperon method, Cross method and Matrix. In this paper the Slope Deflection method will be discussed in the completion of statically indeterminate swaying portal with a difference of the beam's stiffness EI in beam and column. In the application of the Slope Deflection method, there are somethings that should be known in advance which is round the corner at a point and moment magnitude of the primary (fixed end moment) at the ends of the beam due to external loads and sway movement.</div> Jemmy Wijaya, Faniwaty Itang Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Kajian Teknologi https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/614 PERANCANGAN DAN REALISASI SISTEM PENGERING BUAH APEL MENGGUNAKAN LAMPU INFRAMERAH https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/615 Drying is a way to remove water from a material with thermal energy from natural sources (sunlight) or<br />unnatural sources (drier). The water contained in the material should be reduced to the level which microbes<br />cannot grow up. Traditional fruit drying process usually lasts for 2-3 weeks under the sunlight. This device is<br />designed to replace heat from sunlight so it can dry fruit on unfavorable weather conditions such as night,<br />cloudy, and raining. The purpose of this project is to make an apple dryer system using infrared heaters for<br />households. It also can read the temperature, control output voltage, and estimate the time needed to dry the<br />apples. Apples dryer system is testing the output of lamp timer module. After receiving input from the<br />temperature sensing modules, the processing module regulator ordered the lights to dim the lights to lower the<br />temperature to avoid overheating. The design of this dryer system able to perform drying apples. Hot on the<br />dryer system relies on a given output voltage. The higher the output voltage can provide the heat generated by<br />the infrared heater. Dryer systems can dry the apples by the time desired by the user. Gary Jonathan Salli, Joni Fat Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Kajian Teknologi https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/615 PUSAT EDUKASI TENTANG HEWAN PELIHARAAN DI KELAPA GADING https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/617 Companion animal is a part of daily life for some people in DKI Jakarta. But not all of the people care about<br />animal welfare. We can see it from how much case about animal abuse and illegal animal transaction. That case<br />already reported by institution who related with animal welfare. In my research, I review about animal welfare<br />standart and compare it with the real companion animal’s condition in DKI Jakarta. My research method is<br />literature study, questionnaire and interview with institution who related with animal welfare. The result of my<br />research find out that people need education about companion animal and the other facilities that support it. I<br />present that solution with architecture design. That design is about the architecture program, the form of space<br />about the program and the location of the program. Wellson Susanto, Maria Veronica Gandha Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Kajian Teknologi https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/617 USULAN PENERAPAN MATERIAL REQUIREMENT PLANNING (MRP) UNTUK PENGENDALIAN PERSEDIAAN BAHAN BAKU PRODUK ANT INK (STUDI KASUS: CV. SINAR MUTIARA) https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/618 CV. Sinar Mutiara is a ink manufacturing manufacture of ink or paint stencil. Based on the results of the survey<br />in the field, the company has yet to have a method that is specialized in raw material inventory planning. In<br />doing raw material inventory planning begins with a sales forecast based on historical data with DES, DMA,<br />Liner Regression, and Quadratic. After that calculating forecasting error parameter with MAD, ME, MSE and<br />MAPE then selected forecasting is DMA (5X5) method. The problems that exist in the company, especially in<br />raw material inventory is excess stocks of raw materials of ink or paint stencil, especially for products PSN<br />Yellow, PSN Orange, PSN Blue and PSN Warm Red. As a result of excess stock this increased inventory costs.<br />To reduce inventory costs then do the planning starts from the raw materials forecasting with the method<br />according to the pattern of demand and select the best method based on the value of the smallest error. Then<br />perform the aggregate planning, disaggregate, lot sizing calculation and application of Material Requirement<br />Planning (MRP). With MRP implementation, the purchase of raw materials more precisely. Lot sizing<br />calculations using Silver Meal, Least Unit Cost (LUC), Wagner-Within Algorithm. Wagner-Within Algorithm<br />method produces a total cost of inventory is Rp 958.147.746 the lowest compared to other methods. Paula Theresia, Lithrone Laricha Salomon Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Kajian Teknologi https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/618 INVENTARISASI DAN PENILAIAN BANGUNAN CAGAR BUDAYA PADA KAMPUNG BANDAR DAN KOTA LAMA KUPANG DENGAN HISTORICAL SITE INVENTORY METHOD https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/619 Nowadays, cities are developing in many aspect, but unconsciously it has been removing the proof of any history<br />and the journey story of the city. It is going on in several cities in Indonesia, the one is in Old Town Kampung<br />Bandar, Pekanbaru, Riau Province and the Old City of Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara Province. Application of<br />the Historical Site Inventory method in the stage of assessing the building's history can be an alternative to classify<br />the building which included a Heritage Building. It can cover up the story and identity of each city, so it can be<br />planned and known by the citizen and another people as the Cultural and Historical Tourism Destination. As the<br />inventory has been done, Old Town Kampung Bandar has 3 buidling that assessed as Heritage building Class A<br />(Main). That are Masjid Raya Senapelan Pekanbaru, Rumah Singgah Tuan Qhadi and Marhum Bukit &amp; Marhum<br />Pekan. In Group B (Associate) there are Terminal Old City of Pekanbaru and Lembaga Adat Melayu Riau, and<br />so on Group C (Primary) there is Pasar Bawah or Pasar Wisata. While in the Old City of Kupang found that<br />buildings including heritage buildings Class A (Main) is Kopan Old Prison, Ex Netherlands Offices, Kerkoff, and<br />Kota Kupang’s Church and in Group B (Associate) there are Fort Concordia and Dermaga Kopan. Overall<br />Historcial Site Inventory method and Assessment Heritage Buildings can be easily applied to both the object of<br />study, although still found any difficulties and deficiencies in the application of that methods. Maria Bergita A. Hurek, Ifana Puteri Maryudha, Suryono Herlambang Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Kajian Teknologi https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/619 PERANCANGAN DAN ANALISIS KEKUATAN KONSTRUKSI DAN POWERTRAIN PADA PROTOTYPE HAND-CRANK CYCLE (SEPEDA ENGKOL TANGAN) https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/620 Hand-Crank Cycle is a type of human-powered land vehicle which powered by the arms rather than the legs as<br />on a bicycle. Hand-Crank Cycle is a tricycle in form, with two coasting rear wheels and one steerable powered<br />front wheel. On this Hand-Crank Cycle design, performed modeling and construction load simulation was made<br />and simulated by the help of Autodesk Inventor Professional 2017 Software. On the load simulation dan<br />powertrain calculation, it was shown that Hand-Crank Cycle’s construction have a good strength and abilty to<br />receive the maximum load that given and the power that sourced from the human’s hands still enough to drive it<br />safely. Dionsius Marcielo, Anton Anton, Agustinus Purna Irawan Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Kajian Teknologi https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/620 RENCANA PENATAAN KAWASAN PALUTUNGAN, DESA CISANTANA, KABUPATEN KUNINGAN DENGAN KONSEP AGROWISATA https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/621 Agro tourism is part of the tourism object which utilize agricultural activities , horticulture , animal husbandry ,<br />and fisheries as core activities of tourism which is the goal of expanding knowledge, experience recreation and<br />improving business relations in agriculture and obtained added value. Kuningan Regency which is a district in<br />West Java province is known for nature tourism and agricultural activities . Patulungan tourism object is one of<br />the objects of nature tourism as well as the priorities of the Kuningan district planned to be the attraction of West<br />Java priority with a fascination with nature and agriculture has great potential for conversion to agrotourism.<br />With the government's plan to become a regional agro-tourism and have the potential of green land large<br />, the area of Patulungan should be able to overcome many problems such as lack of facilities , infrastructure<br />conditions unfavorable and lack of potential green land then in the redesign plan area Patulungan with the concept<br />of agrotourism , the author using some analysis such as policy analysis , and site location analysis , transportation<br />analysis , benchmarking analysis , analysis of visitor perceptions and analysis of space requirements . Results of<br />the analysis - the analysis will provide a recommendation on the concept of agro-tourism area who poured in a<br />Structuring Planning. Paul CR Lengkutoy, Sylvie Wirawati Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Kajian Teknologi https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/621 PENERAPAN ASPEK PERKEMBANGAN ANAK DALAM PERANCANGAN SEKOLAH ALAM BARUNA BAHARI https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/622 Low knowledge of Indonesian children about their natural realm, especially in the maritime field, indicates the<br />Indonesian educational curriculum is centered on teachers and textbooks without any direct interaction with the<br />object of learning. This fact is an irony for Indonesia which is seizing back its maritime glory. Uplifting this<br />maritime field in Indonesia could be a big challenge and difficult. It takes passion from generation to generation,<br />not only from the government. Elementary school became the most significant point for Indonesian youth mental<br />revolution. Besides children spend more time in school, apparently adult’s intelligence capabilities are rapidly<br />growing at the age of 6-12 years. This golden era comes only once, so not to be missed. Therefore, Baruna Bahari<br />Nature School intends to cultivate the spirit and love of their nature, particularly in the maritime field. With<br />examination of children development aspects and some surveys of primary schools in Jakarta and elsewhere, this<br />project is resulting in a natural school design that allows learners to freely explore, along with a slight<br />deconstructed typology of general elementary school in Indonesia. The harmony of exterior and interior creates<br />limitless space, with deep consideration to physical, cognitive, social, and emotional aspects in children, so that<br />students have a high fighting spirit, active, and creative. Maria Veronica Gandha, Hedista Rani Pranata Copyright (c) 2017 Jurnal Kajian Teknologi https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/teknologi/article/view/622