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Amelia Dewi Santika
Rostiana Rostiana


This study aims to determine the role of Gratitude in Organizational Citizenship Behavior by considering the Supervisor Support as mediator. The participants of this study were 100 teachers at junior high schools and senior high schools in DKI Jakarta using a non-probability sampling method with a purposive sampling technique. This study uses a non-experimental quantitative design with a correlational approach with the help of the SPSS program. Data was collected by distributing questionnaires using the Gratitude at Work Scale (GAWS), Teachers’ Organizational Citizenship Behavior, Survey of Perceived Supervisor Support (SPSS). The results of this study indicate that being grateful contributes to PKO. Furthermore, PSS proved to play a role as a mediator between Gratitude and OCB, in which case it was proven that the role of Gratitude for OCB increased when employees felt support from the supervisor (PSS).

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