Jurnal Komunikasi https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi <p>Jurnal Komunikasi (P-ISSN: 2085-1979 and E-ISSN: 2528-2727) is a <em>peer-reviewed journal, which </em>provides a forum for publishing scientific articles in communication field, including genuine research result, novel scientific review, and critics or comments about social phenomenon nowadays. Jurnal Komunikasi published by Faculty of Communication Universitas Tarumanagara. Jurnal Komunikasi accepts articles or manuscript in the communication field from various source, academics and researchers, both national and international. </p><p>Jurnal Komunikasi published twice a year, in July and December. Articles published in Jurnal Komunikasi have been trough peer-review process by reviewer. Final decision of articles acceptance will be taken by editor team. </p> en-US <span>This work is licensed under a Jurnal Komunikasi <a href="https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" target="_blank">Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License<span>.</span></a></span> jurnalkomunikasi@untar.ac.id (Wulan Purnama Sari) wulanp@fikom.untar.ac.id (Wulan Purnama Sari) Mon, 13 May 2024 08:07:49 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Cover Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 15 No 2 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/28026 <p>Cover Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 15 No 2</p> Wulan Purnama Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/28026 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Front Matters Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 15 No 2 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/25541 <p>Front Matters Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 15 No 2</p> Admin JK Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/25541 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Back Matters Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 15 No 2 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/29312 <p>Back Matters Jurnal Komunikasi Vol 15 No 2</p> Wulan Purnama Sari Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/29312 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Tiktok's Stitch Trends As A Feature Of Citizens' Negation In Communication On Social Media https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23323 <p><em>One social media that is now very popular platforms is TikTok. Currenly active TikTok users in Indonesia are the second highest after the United States. TikTok servers not only as medium for marketing, branding, and self-existence, but also a medium full of negative content. One of prominent features of TikTok is widely used to respond to viral cases. However, this feature has also facilitated the occurrence of debates lead to conflicts among users. The purpose of this study is to get an overview of the TikTok stitch trend as a negation feature in citizen communication on social media. Netnography is the method used in this research. This research concludes that generally the accounts' self-presentation makes Stitch's image optimal in responding to viral cases. Generally, they negate (deny) viral TikTok videos in the hope that their negation is the most correct. Meanwhile, recipients of the messages created through stitches tend to respond by creating their own stitches, and/or providing comments as a form of feedback. Another finding of viral content, that are considered controversial by netizens, tend to produce hate speech and comments, mutual insults and bullying. Stitch is a communication channel for conveying ideas, opinions, criticism without filters with content that is less controllable and makes it more trending.</em></p> Christiany Juditha, Josep J. Darmawan Copyright (c) 2022 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23323 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Dangdut Koplo as a Manifestation of Popular Culture In Indonesia https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/20684 <p><em>One of the original works of Indonesians is dangdut music, more specifically, dangdut koplo. Dangdut music continues to grow, and the coming of dangdut koplo is accompanied by the human invention of information and communication technology, namely social media. This technology has succeeded in having a positive impact on the work of the nation, namely spreading dangdut koplo to all corners of the islands and even to the corners of the world. The objective of this simple piece of writing is to highlight a popular culture that occurs in Indonesia. One of the results of human thought, especially that of the people of East Java, in terms of art, especially music, can be a type of music that is light, pleasing to the ear, favored by people of all ages, strata, and social statuses, is able to eliminate all kinds of barriers in society, and can be an alternative form of entertainment. Th</em><em>e objective of the study is to describe a new culture which emerged from the grassroot but it attracts international attention. </em><em>The method used is the observation of communication phenomena that occur in society and literature study, which are then linked into propositions that can be used as subjects for the development of the scientific repertoire of culture and communication. It can be concluded that the emergence of dangdut koplo is clear evidence that everyone can produce a work that can be enjoyed by many people and can become a new culture in society that does not discredit previous works but instead strengthens and perfects previous great works.</em></p> Agustinus Rustanta Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/20684 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Family Communication Model on Preserving Romance for Elderly Spouse https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23085 <p><em>Every married couple would want to have a golden marriage that lasts happily ever after. There were 15 elderly couples who had entered a golden marriage being interviewed. This research was conducted at 2 regions (Bandung and Subang) in West Java. We used qualitative method with phenomenology approach. Data collecting was done through interview and observation. The results found that these elderly couples communicate in different ways to maintain their romances. They keep on their commitment in supporting the couple hobbies, being honest, doing nonverbal communication of romantic movement/gestures, saying thanks, and giving forgiveness sincerely. The model proposed on this research findings are being commitment, forgiveness, honesty, thanking, romance action and marriage as worship. </em><em>These communication model that the elderly spouses applied in their daily life doesn’t seem smooth as it is. They always give the opportunity of each other to improve themselves better for the sake of long-lasting marriage. </em><em> These elderly couples realized about their imperfectness and keep learning all the time to be mature couple. As they have matured mind, every barrier in the marriage will always solve wisely and happily by the couple. These family communication pattern have finally formed the long lasting </em><em>marital harmony of romantic relationship between the elderly couple to create honor and trust. </em></p> Lucy Pujasari Supratman, Aep Wahyudin Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23085 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Communicative Leadership among Local Leaders in Indonesia during covid-19 Crisis Management https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23314 <p><em>The covid-19 pandemic is one of the health crises that demand effective communication and timely, accurate, and culturally sensitive communication to reach coordinated and more effective responses. Regarding this function, communicative leadership becomes critical in reaching the success of a health crisis, particularly among local communities which are frequently associated with resistance towards health initiatives. This research is intended to explore the communicative leadership performed by local leaders in managing covid-19 pandemic from 2020 to 2022. To meet this aim, the present study employed interviews with 6 local leaders in Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur as informants. This research revealed that in responding health crisis due to covid-19 pandemic, leadership involved communication to construct and negotiate meaning through shared narratives about covid-19. This leadership had been performed to help communities in the sense-making process about the pandemic through a series of strategies comprising (1) operating religious frame and local values to construct a shared reality about covid-19 pandemic and how to respond to it, (2) providing narratives as the evidence, (3) performing openness, presence and empathy. This research also found that maintaining sustainable coordination with the authorities is performed by local leaders to assure communities about the pandemic response plan, thus, community involvement in covid-19 measures could be developed easily. This study confirmed some previous research highlighting the importance of faith-based organizations (FBOs) in communication intervention in the health context and research on the importance of narrative to persuade people to adopt new health behaviours.</em></p> Yun Fitrahyati Laturrakhmi, Fitri H. Oktaviani, Rachmat Kriyantono Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23314 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMA) As A Brand Formation Strategy A Study Of The Brand Image Formation Strategy Of Tasikmalaya Embroidery Products https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23088 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Branding is an effort to establish a brand, both products, companies, and other objects. Forming a brand requires the right strategy to achieve the predefines goals, where the goal is usually quantifiable objectives. The formation of a brand will be proven by the behavior changes of the targeted public of the brand object because the branding strategy will usually be aimed at a specific public target. Social Media Marketing Activities (SMMA) is a strategy initially developed for marketers in promoting, however, its application has expanded to encompass the formation of product brands and companies. The method of writing this article is exploratory, wherein the author tries to explore the marketing activities of the embroidery industry in Tasikmalaya, which are then analyzed and associated with existing phenomena. The results indicate that SMMA is used by the embroidery industry on a large and small scale because of its ease of application, but although it is easy SMMA must be accompanied by other tools, because in forming a company brand it is not enough just to base on social media activities, but other activities that will invite public experience in interacting with these products and companies. Positive experience is the main factor in shaping the brand image of a product or company.</em></p> Trie Damayanti, Aang Koswara Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23088 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Mediating Role of Brand Trust: Is Enhancing TikTok Marketing Activities Important to Create Loyalty? https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/24991 <p><em>Indonesian people are becoming more aware of the significance of skincare, increasing the demand for beauty care products. As a result, the frequency of purchasing skincare products in Indonesia has also risen. Local Indonesian skincare is a popular choice among the public. The variety of local skincare products encourages competition among companies to market their products. In the times, marketing through social media is increasingly popular to interact directly with customers. Indonesia ranks second in the world, with the number of TikTok users reaching 109.90 million. This research uses the S-O-R Model to analyze the positive influence of Marketing Activities on social media on Brand Loyalty, with the mediating role of Customer Brand Engagement and Brand Trust. The hypothetical relationships in the proposed model are tested using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Of the total respondents who were TikTok users for six months or more, 87.3% were women. This research aims to understand how social media marketing activities (SMMA) impact brand loyalty (BLO) for local skincare brands in Indonesia. It also considers the mediating roles of customer-based equity (CBE) and brand trust (BTR) in this relationship. The results of hypothesis testing showed a significant positive influence on all variables tested. The role of mediation has also proved significant, albeit with varying degrees of influence. Some variables tend to have a low influence on Brand Loyalty, while the most significant influence is seen in the influence of SMMA on Brand Trust. Thus, this study has important implications for local skincare companies in developing effective marketing strategies to build strong brand loyalty and increase customer trust in the brand.</em></p> Bewita Mettasari, Kurniawati Kurniawati, Yolanda Masnita Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/24991 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Citarum Watershed Restoration through Community Involvement and Tourism Village Development https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/25222 <p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>The Citarum watershed is a source of livelihood for communities in 13 cities and regencies in West Java and Jakarta. However, the Citarum River is considered one of the most polluted rivers in the world, prompting the central and local governments to implement conservation programs. For Tarumajaya Village, the conservation of the Citarum watershed starts from the Situ Cisanti area accompanied by the development of a tourism village to support the Citarum Harum Program. However, the existing participation is only seen from the government side, and there is no significant community participation in terms of communication and others directly in the process of developing this tourism village. Thus, this study aims to identify community involvement in the development of tourism villages to support the restoration of the Citarum watershed in the Upper Citarum Region. This qualitative study was conducted in Tarumajaya Village, Kertasari Sub-district, Bandung Regency. Primary data were obtained through non-participant observation and in-depth interviews, while secondary data were obtained from policy documents. Data analysis included data reduction, presentation, verification, and conclusion drawing. The research findings show that the development of creative tourism villages in Tarumajaya Village is carried out to support environmental preservation and has economic value for the welfare of the community, thus supporting public health. Tarumajaya Village community innovation products have economic value in tourism and show community involvement in supporting sustainable tourism development which is expected to improve public health.</em></p> Evi Novianti, Dian Wardiana Sjuchro, Dina Oktavia, Qorinah Estiningtyas Sakilah Adnani, Lani Gumilang, Sunardi, Isni Nurfauziah Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/25222 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Building a National Identity Through Dangdut Music Programs on Television (Case Study: D’Academy 5 Indosiar) https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/24415 <p><em>One of the main functions of television is as a medium of entertainment. Indosiar, one of the private television stations in Indonesia, has an entertainment program called D'Academy 5, which is a talent search program for dangdut musicians and singers. Dangdut music is still considered lower-class music. This music is performed very simply, starting from a makeshift stage, wearing clothes that tend to be sexy, and much more. The mission of the D'Academy 5 program is to raise the image of dangdut music as classy music that can be enjoyed by all levels of society from various social classes. There are even many opinions that say that dangdut music is original Indonesian music, so this music deserves to be called a national identity for Indonesian people. This study aims to see and describe the process of national identity construction carried out by television media through the dangdut music program. This study is qualitative research using the constructivism paradigm. Using the four stages of the social construction theory of mass media: the stage of preparing construction materials, the stage of construction distribution, the stage of forming construction reality, and the stage of confirmation. The case study method is used as an analytical tool. The results of this study indicate that national identity is basically something that must be built and maintained. The identity built through the D'Academy 5 program is not only limited to dangdut music but also includes other cultural elements. There area social values in culture that are maintained and conveyed to the wider community. Indosiar, through this program, tries to emphasize that dangdut is Indonesian music. With the regeneration of dangdut musicians and singers in Indonesia, it is hoped that this music will continue to exist. The elevated image of dangdut music, with audiences from various social classes.</em></p> Oktuta Arn Sabagyo, Nawiroh Vera Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/24415 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Hate Speech Through Identity Politics On Social Media Ahead Of The 2024 Presidential Election https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/25836 <p><em>The debate surrounding the 2024 General Election in the virtual space, such as social media, has led netizens to exchange hate speech and heavy criticism regarding their respective support. Two groups have emerged: government supporters highlighting the successes of President Joko Widodo and those shifting their support to Anies Baswedan after Prabowo joined the government. Over time, this phenomenon has led to the proliferation of hate speech based on identities such as religion, ethnicity, and fanatical groups, potentially dividing public opinion. This study aims to explain the emergence of hate speech and the forms of hate speech based on identity politics leading up to the 2024 General Election. This study employs virtual ethnographic analysis (Virtual Ethnography) to observe tweets or statuses on selected accounts and the comments that arise from those tweets. The objects of analysis are the trends of words and phrases and the content within observed sentences or paragraphs. The research findings have been presented in the form of tabulation and categorization. The results show that comments and statuses containing hate speech always create bidirectional and multi-directional communication models among users. Hate speech often uses phrases and keywords that lead to insults, malicious accusations, curses, and accusing the opposing party of being stupid and evil. Based on this study, social media users must realize that the presidential campaign is a time to have different choices but remain aware of the same nation. Users need to develop an awareness of social media ethics. Enforcing rules against those who spread hate speech is key for every actor involved.</em></p> Atwar Bajari, Asep Suryana, Uud Wahyudin, Slamet Mulyana, Almadina Rakhmaniar Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/25836 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 The Antecedents of Intention to Stay among Millenials: Work Engagement as Mediator https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23551 <p><em>Study on millenial generation is essential to conduct since in the near future the millenials will dominate the workforce and hold strategic positions in industry. According to references, m</em><em>illenials are well-known for their reluctance to stay working in one place for a long-time period. Many speculations have arisen to explain the issue, whether it is caused by their positive as well as the negative characteristics. </em><em>T</em><em>his study aimed to investigate the factors affecting millenial’s intention to stay. Three levels of context were involved as researched variables, namely work passion, quality of work life, and work engagement as mediator. Quantitative and non-experimental study was applied to test the hypotheses. Using convenience sampling technique, 125 millenial workers </em><em>in Jakarta, Indonesia, </em><em>were recruited and completed the online questionnaires. </em><em>The questionnaires to measure the researched variables are Intention to Stay Scale, Work Passion Scale, Quality of Work Life Scale, and </em><em>Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES)</em><em>. </em><em>Regression analysis reported that intention to stay was significantly affected by work passion and quality of work life. Moreover, work engagement was also proven to be a significant mediator that bridged the association between intention to stay and both of independent variables</em><em>, namely work passion and quality of work life.</em></p> Kiky Dwi Hapsari Saraswati, Daniel Lie, David Sugianto Lie, Septia Winduwati Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23551 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Instagram vs TikTok: Which Platform is More Effective for Enhancing SMEs Performance? https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23671 <p><em>Digital transformation makes social media one of the infrastructures that introduces effective performance changes for MSMEs. Referring to the concept of the research model built based on the Technology Organization Environment (TOE) theory</em><em>, t</em><em>There are three basic factors that need to be considered by MSMEs in adopting social media, namely compatibility, cost-effectiveness and interactivity. This study aims to compare the effects of compatibility, cost-effectiveness, and interactivity on SME performance between the social media platforms Instagram and TikTok. A comparative study was utilized in this research to examine the impact of variables on the Instagram and TikTok social media platforms. The sample consisted of 200 SMEs was selected through purposive sampling. The data were analyzed using Partial Least Squares Multigroup Analysis (PLS-MGA). The study's results indicate that compatibility and interactivity significantly influence the adoption of both Instagram and TikTok social media platforms. On the other hand, the cost-effectiveness variable only affects the adoption of the TikTok social media platform but does not significantly affect the adoption of Instagram. This study also found that only interactivity significantly differs in adopting social media platforms between Instagram and TikTok. The results showed that Instagram social media provides greater interactivity than TikTok.</em> <em>The other two variables, compatibility, and cost-effectiveness do not significantly differ. Furthermore, the study also found a positive influence of using both Instagram and TikTok social media platforms on SMEs' performance.</em></p> Lydiawati Soelaiman, Dyah Erny Herwindiati, Otto Randa Payangan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/23671 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Development Model of Tourism Communication and Creative Economy Based on Local Culture in East Sumba https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/26251 <p><em>As something unique, local culture can be utilized in various fields, one of which is tourism. The development of the tourism industry is characterized by several things, for example there is an increase in community participation to advance the local tourism industry, and the use of the creative economy. This research itself was carried out by looking at the potential that Indonesia has in the tourism and creative economy sectors which still have great potential to be developed further while still supporting the preservation of Indonesia's local culture. The research was carried out at a location in East Sumba, because it has a natural attraction for tourism which is already worldwide, but its development so far has not been optimal. Apart from having natural potential for tourism development, Sumba also has local culture and creative economy products, such as woven fabrics. This research was conducted with the main aim of producing a model for the development of tourism and creative economy based on local culture. This research itself will focus on the use of local culture in the tourism sector and the creative economy in tourism communication studies. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach and case study method. Data was obtained through FGD and interviews with resource persons. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that East Sumba has potential in terms of tourism development, the potential is in the form of natural resources, creative economic products, local culture and infrastructure suggestions. Developing this potential must receive support from the government in the form of development and policy making that favors local communities. Apart from that, tourism development also requires the development of human resources, which therefore requires collaboration between the government and local communities.</em></p> Wulan Purnama Sari, Nigar Pandrianto, Gregorius Genep Sukendro, Suzy Azeharie, Lydia Irena Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/26251 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Risk Communication Model Of Covid-19 Disaster Through Instagram And Twitter In Pemerintah Kabupaten Klaten https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/25167 <p><em>The third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia has affected various regions, including Klaten Regency, which is ranked third in the highest number of positive cases and second in the cumulative total in Central Java. Risk communication becomes crucial in reducing disaster risks due to COVID-19, and one effective avenue is through social media. The people of Klaten have started utilizing social media to receive information about COVID-19 and to provide feedback on the local government's handling of the pandemic. The objective of this research is to discover a risk communication model for COVID-19 disasters through social media in the Klaten Regency Government. This qualitative research employs interviews and social media analysis of the COVID-19 Task Force in Klaten Regency. The focus is on the risk communication model employed through social media by the Klaten Regency Government, with subjects being social media managers within the COVID-19 Task Force. The findings reveal a risk communication model that emphasizes enhancing social media management capabilities to mitigate the risks of COVID-19 in Klaten. This research contributes by introducing additional risk communication units to the existing COVID-19 risk communication model through social media and establishing Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) for social media management in risk communication.</em></p> Elisabet Isyana Rahayu, Puji Lestari, Edwi Arief Sosiawan Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/25167 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Disaster Mitigation Communication Patterns: Case Studies in Natural Disaster Vulnerable Communities in Kulon Progo Regency https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/25477 <p><em>attention and vigilance. That's why disaster mitigation needs to be disseminated to all levels of society. One area that has a high level of vulnerability is Kulon Progo is a case study with a descriptive type in this research. Recorded in 2019 having 53 landslide-prone areas in 5 sub-districts. To anticipate victims, the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Kulon Progo Regency formed 3 Disaster Response Villages as bottom-up disaster mitigation pilots, one of which is Kalirejo Village. This effort is interesting in examining how communication patterns are carried out in natural disaster-prone areas (Kalirejo Village) in mitigating natural disasters. This study is qualitative and involves several elements including Kelurahan government officials, self-help groups, disaster risk reduction forums, volunteers, and residents who represent stakeholders related to mitigation. A qualitative approach is used to deepen understanding through observation, interviews, and focus group discussions. Data analysis uses an interactive model recommended by Miles and Huberman. The main findings of the study show that the most frequent natural disasters are landslides and floods. This is caused by the topography which causes unstable soil conditions so that it easily causes landslides when rainfall is high. The dominant communication pattern in terms of natural disaster management/mitigation is bottom-up, from the community to the Village, Kapanewon, and Regency Governments as well as BPBD. However, ritual communication patterns, both based on local traditions and wisdom as well as those with nuances of religious teachings, are still sustainable and ongoing.</em></p> Abdul Rozak, Mochammad Mahfudz, Mochammad Sinung Restendy, Mukhammad Sahlan, Achmad Zaky Faiz, Lukman Hakim Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/25477 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000 Comparison of Instagram Hashtags in Increasing Audience Engagement Through Music Concerts in Indonesia https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/29061 <p><em>In 2023, various music concerts will begin to be held nationally and internationally. Indonesian music fans came in droves to enliven the music concert. Audience music concert activities do not only focus on concerts and purchasing concert tickets but also on crowds in the virtual sector. The activity of watching a music concert is documented and uploaded via social media and Instagram. The use of hashtags is used to support the concert as well as being a means of self-actualization as a music fan. Uploads on Instagram social media with the hashtag immediately received attention from other social media users who were interested in the concert. From this explanation, this research will look at two things. Firstly, how influential hashtags on Instagram are in increasing audience engagement through three music concerts held in Indonesia. Second, look at the comparison of the three music concert hashtags. The research approach used in this research is quantitative, using extensive data-based social network analysis (SNA) methods. The application used in this research is Analisia.io, an artificial intelligence (AI) social analytic application as a tool for collecting virtual data according to the researchers' criteria. The first result of this research is that #blackpinkworldtourjakarta's cumulative total audience engagement is 17,653. #the90festival cumulative total audience engagement 144,150. And #coldplayjakarta, the total audience engagement was 811,387. The first Instagram hashtag most discussed virally is #coldplayjakarta, the second is the hashtag #the90festival, and the last is the hashtag #blackpinkworldtourjakarta. From this analysis, Instagram hashtag comparison activities in increasing audience engagement through music concerts in Indonesia fall into the concept of a network society: timelessness, the cultural consequences of information capitalism, the power of identity, and changing times.</em></p> Sinta Paramita, Sisca Aulia, Farid Rusdi Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal Komunikasi https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0 https://journal.untar.ac.id/index.php/komunikasi/article/view/29061 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 00:00:00 +0000