Main Article Content
This study aims to determine whether the realization of the tax liability of Tax Article 4
Paragraph 2, Tax Article 21 and Tax Article 23 which applies in 2021, and the first
quarter of 2022 in PT Hawlir Nabila is in accordance with the applicable law. Samples
were taken by interview method with PT Hawlir Nabila as a resource person. This study
aims to prove the discipline of PT Hawlir Nabila in cutting, counting, and reporting
these three aspects. PT Hawlir Nabila is an entity that operates in the rental and real
estate sector so that income from income Tax article 4 paragraph 2 is final, PT Hawlir
Nabila also employs employees so that there is an object of income Tax article 21, and
PT Hawlir Nabila also uses services from outside the company so that there is an object
of Tax article 23. The results of this study prove that PT Hawlir Nabila and the tenant
PT Hawlir Nabila have complied with the tax law concerning Tax article 4 paragraph
2, Tax article 21, and Tax article 23 in the in the period from 2021 to the first quarter of
2022. The implication of this research is PT Hawlir Nabila needs to pay attention to the
latest tax laws in order to avoid sanctions.
Article Details

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