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Michelle Ng
Sufiyati Sufiyati


The purpose of this study was to obtain evidence related to the effect of liquidity,
leverage, company size, capital expenditure, and good corporate governance on cash
holdings in manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during
the period 2018 to 2020. With purposive sampling technique, the data used in this study
as many as 52 companies with a total 156 observations of data for three years and
processed using the Eviews 12 software. This study uses Multiple Regression Analysis
and Moderated Regression Analysis. The results of the study partially show that
liquidity and capital expenditure do not have a significant effect on cash holding.
Meanwhile, leverage and company size have a significant effect on cash holding. Good
corporate governance as a moderating variable to examine the relationship between
capital expenditure and cash holding shows that good corporate governance does not
moderate the relationship between capital expenditure and cash holding.

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