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Meggie Faustine
Widyasari Widyasari


This study aims to obtain empirical evidence regarding the effect of independent
variables, free cash flow, sales growth, corporate social responsibility, profitability,
and productivity on the dependent variable of firm value in manufacturing companies
listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2018-2020 using secondary data. and
data management using Eviews software version 12 SV (student version). The sample
used in this study were 19 manufacturing companies with a total of 57 data for 3 (three)
years. The results of this study indicate that free cash flow has a positive but not
significant effect on firm value, sales growth has a positive but not significant effect on
firm value, corporate social responsibility has a negative but not significant effect on
firm value, profitability has a significant positive effect on firm value, and productivity
have a negative but not significant effect on firm value.

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