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This study was done to analyze the effect of Net Working Capital, Profitability, Growth
Opportunity, and Board Size on Cash Holdings with Firm Size and Leverage as
controlling variables. This study uses secondary data obtained from financial
statements and annual report of manufacturing firms listed on IDX for the period 2016-
2019. Research method used was multiple linear regression and tested with E-views 12
and SPSS 17. This study uses Generalized Least Square with Random Effect Model
selected for testing the hypotesis. Samples are selected with purposive sampling method.
Samples are 66 manufacturing companies listed on IDX for the period 2016-2019 with
total of 264 data used as samples. This study found that Net Working Capital and
Profitability have a positive and significant effect on Cash Holding. While Growth
Opportunity and Board Size were found to have no significant effect on Cash Holding.
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