Main Article Content
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of business risk, asset structure,
and growth of company on capital structure with profitability as moderating variable in
manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange (IDX) period 2018-
2020. The samples were selected using purposive sampling and 18 manufacturing
companies were acquired as valid data. Data processing techniques using multiple
regression analysis assisted by software E-views version 12. The results obtained in this
study are business risk has a negative and no significant effect on capital structure,
asset structure has a negative and significant effect on capital structure, company
growth has positive and significant effect on capital structure. Profitability strengthens
the effect of company growth on capital structure, while profitability does not moderate
the effect of business risk and asset structure on capital structure. The implication of
this study is the need to consider business risks and asset structure management that
will optimize a company's capital structure.
Article Details

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