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Mario Gho Danny
Hadi Cahyadi


The purpose of this study is to test empirically the effect of good corporate governance and
capital structure in family business in property and real estate companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange for the period 2017 - 2020. This study uses data from 14 family
business in property and real estate companies that have been selected using the purposive
sampling method. with a total of 56 data for four years. The data used are secondary data in
the form of financial reports. This research data processing using the program SPSS version
24. The results showed that the family ownership, family involvement in bod and capital
structure were negative and not significant effect on financial performance, family
involvement in boc has a positive and significant effect on financial performance. The
implication of this research is the involvement of commissioner in supervision is the main key
for the future of the company, how the commisioner need to oversees the actions or decisions
of the directors. The existence of supervision from the commissioners is able to create a good
influence on the company’s financial performance on decisions made by the directors.

Article Details



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