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Veren Elvia Juana
Jonnardi Jonnardi


This research’s purpose is for obtaining empirical evidences regarding the influences of
profitability, liquidity, leverage, and firm size on firm value on manufacturing industries
which are listed on the Indonesian Stock Exchange during the period range of 2016-2021.
The samples were selected by using the method simple random sampling and the valid
amount of data was 48 companies. The technique for data processing was by using multiple
regression analysis which was helped by the EViews program for Windows version 10 along
with Microsoft Excel 2016. The outcomes of this research denote that profitability, liquidity,
and firm size have influence on firm value, and leverage doesn’t have any influence on firm
value. The outcome of this study is the need to increase profitability and liquidity which will
increase the firm value which will bring a good signal for investors.

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