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Caroline Christie Wijaya
Yuniarwati Yuniarwati


The purpose of this research is to examine and analyze the effect of collateral asset,
asset growth, leverage, and profitability on dividend policy. 46 samples of
manufacturing companies were selected in this study, with a total sample data of 138
manufacturing companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during 2017-2019.
This study uses the purposive sampling method in taking samples based on
predetermined criteria. Multiple regression analysis technique was used in the data
processing of this study and processed using the EViews version 12 program. This study
shows that profitability has a significant and positive effect on dividend policy, while
collateral asset, asset growth, and leverage have no significant effect on dividend
policy. This study implies that the company's management must be able to maximize the
available funds both to increase profitability and develop the company's operations to
create a stable and increasing dividend distribution.

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