Faktor-Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Return Saham Pada Perusahaan Property Dan Real Estate

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Loyeling, Lukman Surjadi


The objective of this research is to obtain empirical evidence about the effect of profitability, leverage, market valuation, and liquidity to stock returns in property and real estate companies listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange in 2016-2018. This study used 35 property and real estate companies as samples selected by purposive sampling. The data are secondary data using financial report companies. Data management is carried out using the E-views program version 11.0. The results of this research indicate that profitability and market valuation does not have a significant effect on stock returns, leverage and  liquidity has a significant positive effect on stock returns. The implication of this study is the need to increase leverage and liquidity because it provides a positive value for stock returns. However, on the other hand, profitability and market valuation must be minimized because based on this study it does not have an effect on stock returns.


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Author Biography

Loyeling, Lukman Surjadi, Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta

Fakultas Ekonomi Universitas Tarumanagara Jakarta