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David Jose
Aniek Prihatiningsih


The pile foundation is a frequently chosen option in constructing multi-story buildings, where the vertical load is substantial and needs to be transferred to hard soil/strata. Multi-story structures impose significant loads, and these loads are directed into the hard soil/strata using pile foundations. Apart from multi-story buildings, pile foundations can also be employed to resist lateral loads such as seismic forces, wind, waves, and others. Therefore, this research is conducted to gain a more thorough understanding of the influence of pile diameter on the lateral load-carrying capacity of a single-pile foundation, both under static and cyclic loading conditions. The study involves piles with diameters of 0.3 m, 0.6 m, and 1 m, under fixed-head conditions, with a safety factor of 2.5. The comparison is made regarding static lateral load-carrying capacity using the Broms method, Reese-Matlock method, and the p-y curve method, as well as cyclic lateral load-carrying capacity using the SOLCYP-G method. From this study, it is concluded that the diameter of the pile does not affect the reduction factor of lateral load-bearing capacity due to cyclic loading; instead, it is the load itself that determines how much the lateral load-bearing capacity of the pile decreases.


Fondasi tiang merupakan pilihan yang sering digunakan dalam mendirikan bangunan bertingkat, dimana bangunan bertingkat memberikan beban yang sangat besar dan beban tersebut disalurkan ke tanah keras / hard strata dengan menggunakan fondasi tiang. Selain pada bangunan bertingkat, fondasi tiang juga dapat digunakan untuk menahan beban lateral seperti beban gempa, angin, ombak, dan lain-lain. Oleh sebab itu, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk memahami lebih saksama mengenai pengaruh diameter tiang terhadap nilai daya dukung lateral fondasi tiang tunggal baik dalam kondisi pembebanan statik maupun siklik. Penelitian dilakukan pada tiang tunggal berdiameter 0,3 m, 0,6 m, dan 1 m dengan kondisi fixed-head dan safety factor bernilai 2,5. Perbandingan dilakukan terhadap nilai daya dukung lateral statik dengan menggunakan metode Broms, metode Reese-Matlock, dan metode Kurva P-Y, dan daya dukung lateral siklik dengan metode SOLCYP-G. Dari penelitian ini, disimpulkan bahwa diameter tiang tidak mempengaruhi faktor reduksi daya dukung akibat pembebanan siklik, melainkan beban sendiri yang menentukan seberapa berkurangnya nilai daya dukung lateral tiang.

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