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Jen Sen Chiu Santo
Leksmono Suryo Putranto


The very high number of private vehicles in the city of Bogor will result in traffic congestion and air pollution. This is due to population growth in urban areas every year. In an effort to solve the problem of traffic jams in the city of Bogor, the government is conducting a trial purchase of services. The aim is expected to increase people's use of public transportation, reduce private vehicles, and improve the community's economy. With the purchase of this service, the author aims to find out how the public perceives the purchase of services in the city of Bogor and explains the influence of age, gender, education, occupation, domicile, monthly expenses, and the frequency and choice of public transportation modes on public perceptions regarding BTS services in Bogor city. The author uses a survey method in the form of an online questionnaire as a means of collecting research data. The one-sample t-Test is used as a test method to test the research instrument and is followed by an independent sample t-test method to test the relationship between two populations that have no relationship with one another. Based on the results of the analysis, it can be seen that the majority of people agree with the purchase of this service, which is implemented in the city of Bogor.

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