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There are many interactions among individuals in society. This research was attempted to describe the patterns of interaction among the “Mabinmaba” student. These patterns of interactions based on friendship, study, personal, and hobby of the students. The participant of this research consist of 120 students, they were separate in 4 groups. They were the student of the Faculty of Psychology. Purposive technique samling used in this research. The result of this research: there are qliques in these 4 groups. The networks based on pesonal issue had less in qlique liaison than the other networks.
Ada banyak interaksi antar individu dalam masyarakat. Penelitian ini berusaha menggambarkan pola interaksi
antara siswa "Mabinmaba". Pola interaksi ini didasarkan pada persahabatan, pembelajaran, pribadi, dan hobi
para siswa. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini terdiri dari 120 siswa, mereka terpisah dalam 4 kelompok. Mereka
adalah mahasiswa Fakultas Psikologi. Teknik purposive sampling digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian
ini: ada cliques di 4 kelompok ini. Jaringan yang didasarkan pada masalah personal memiliki hubungan yang lebih
sedikit daripada jaringan lain.
Kata kunci: pola interaksi, siswa, klik, jaringan
Article Details
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