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Rita Markus Idulfilastri
Sri Tiatri
Keni Keni
Nafiah Solikhah
Fransisca I. R. Dewi
Jap Tji Beng


Pembelajaran kolaboratif dan partisipatif merupakan salah satu indikator keberhasilan utama (IKU) yang dipersyaratkan untuk menilai ketercapaian pelaksanaan MBKM. Kegiatan penelitian ini berbasis projek (team-based project) yaitu kegiatan proyek lapangan yang dilakukan sesuai setting sebenarnya, bukan kegiatan di dalam kelas. Tujuan penelitian untuk melihat dampak psikologis pembelajaran kolaboratif dan partisipatif berpengaruh sebelum dan setelah melaksanakan proyek. Konsep teori yaitu kesiapan berubah (readiess to change) dan passion. Dimensi kesiapan berubah terdiri change of efficacy, ketepatan berubah, dukungan manajemen, manfaat pribadi dan dimensi passion terdiri dari harmony passion dan obsessive passion. Metode penelitian menggunakan kuasi eksperimen dengan jumlah sampel 6 mahasiswa UNTAR dan diambil data pre-test, post-test dan wawancara. Pengolahan data menggunakan korelasi dan compare mean t-test. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terjadi hubungan kuat dan signifikan antara pre-test, post-test pada kesiapan berubah dan passion. khususnya pada dimensi-dimensi ketepatan melakukan perubahan, change of efficacy dan harmony passion. Namun hasil perbedaan rata-rata menunjukkan signifikan hanya pada change of efficacy. Kesimpulan penelitian memperlihatkan dampak psikologis change of efficacy terjadi pada mahasiswa yang melakukan implementasi pembelajaran kolaboratif dan partisipatif di kabupaten Belitung. Mahasiswa meyakini proyek yang dilakukannya memberikan dampak perubahan pada masyarakat. Keyakinan diri mahasiswa yang relatif kuat sebelum dilaksanakan proyek dan menjadi semakin bertambah kuat setelah selesai proyek dilaksanakan. Saran penelitian selanjutnya dilakukan beberapa kali proyek kegiatan untuk mempertahankan konsistensi data.

Collaborative and participatory learning is one of the main success indicators (IKU) required to assess the achievement of MBKM implementation. This research activity is project-based (team-based project), namely field project activities carried out according to the actual setting, not activities in the classroom. The aim of the research is to see the psychological impact of collaborative and participatory learning before and after implementing the project. The theoretical concepts used are readiness to change and passion. The changing dimension consists of changes in efficacy, changes in accuracy, management support, personal benefits and the passion dimension consists of harmony passion and obsessive passion. The research method used a quasi-experimental with a sample of 6 UNTAR students and pre-test, post-test and interview data were taken. Processing of data using correlation and comparing the mean t-test. The results showed that there was a strong and significant relationship between pre-test, post-test on readiness to change and passion. especially on the dimensions of accuracy in making changes, changes in efficacy and passion for harmony. However, the results of the mean difference showed significant only in the change in success. The conclusion of this research is the impact of psychological impact on efficacy changes that occur in students who implement collaborative and participatory learning in Belitung district. Students believe in projects that have a changing impact on society. Students' self-confidence is relatively strong before the project is implemented and becomes stronger after the project is completed. Subsequent research suggests several project activities to maintain data.

Article Details

Author Biography

Keni Keni, Universitas Tarumanagara

Fakultas Ekonomi



SINTA ID : 5987760


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