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Stevanus Abadi Johan
Oki Sunardi


Economic growth based on economic sharing encourages e-commerce transactions to increase. Along with this, the need for an effective distribution process is also increasing, in order to fulfill orders quickly and accurately. This study was conducted on the logistics department at one of the retail companies providing electronic equipments and accessories. Preliminary observations indicate the high level of overtime experienced by employees in the logistics department, as well as the high rate of errors in delivery of ordered products, which results in high complaints from customers. The aim of the study is to evaluate the performance of the order picking process that is currently being carried out by the company, and to formulate a suitable approach to be applied by the company. The research was conducted with a discrete simulation approach, using Flexsim v2022. Modeling begins with creating entities according to the actual warehouse specifications. After that, the model is developed by determining the process flow or simulation flow, by entering parameters such as the number of orders, time, and shelf location. The simulation results show that the current wave picking approach is not optimal. The simulation shows that the sequential zone picking strategy is estimated to result in a decrease in the time of order pickings and the distance experienced by the officers, so that it can be a strategy that can reduce the rate of overtime and errors in order pickings.

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