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Illegal coal mining activities cause environmental problems, especially in Bukit Soeharto Forest Park. The purpose of this study was to know the actual conditions land cover and environmental damage in Bukit Soeharto Forest Park for the 2015-2020 period. The research method will be analysed from mining land cover class (cover code 20141) using satellite citra and overlaying using ArcView and GIS computer program. The following conclusions can be drawn from the findings of the data file that area has been partially used incompatible with the function of the Forest Park area. The area that is still a compliant function of the Forest Park is 67.62% of the total area, which consists of secondary dry land forest, shrubs, secondary mangrove forest, swamp scrub, plantation forest and body water. The area of land use inconsistent with regional functions is 32.38% of the total area, where this area is used for mining, mixed dry land agriculture, plantations, open ground, settlements, and ponds. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a task force to save the Bukit Soeharto Forest from various threats of damage to the area.
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