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The foundation is the most important part of any structure in the construction process. A failure in the foundation
can cause the entire structure to fail if cannot withstand the forces or weight of the structure above. The foundation
is required to bear the external loads or weight of the structure, even though the upper structure may be strong and
sturdy. Bored pile foundation is the most commonly used foundation type for building projects or multi-story
structures. The distribution of forces on pile foundations is inversely proportional to its depth, and the part of the
pile close to the forces will bear a greater load than the deeper part of the pile. This consideration makes the design
of reinforcement for pile foundations variable according to the distribution of forces acting on the pile according to
its depth. This study analyzes the reinforcement requirements for a pile foundation using laboratory-calculated soil
parameters and data specific to the Jakarta area. The first step is to determine the soil parameters, then calculate
the force diagram using the Matlock and Reese method, and finally, determine the reinforcement requirements
based on the force diagram obtained. After that, the calculated reinforcement needs to be adjusted according to the
applicable requirements for a pile with a length of 65 meters and a diameter of 1800 mm. The required
reinforcement is D13-75 for transverse reinforcement, 20D32, 16D29, and 8D32 for longitudinal reinforcement
according to their depth.
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