Main Article Content
The design and construction of reinforced concrete high-rise building structures are currently changing for the better,
this is due to technological advances in the base materials of concrete that leads to a higher quality. A higher quality
concrete in multi-story buildings can reduce the cross-sectional dimensions of lateral resisting elements (earthquake
forces). Normal concrete is formed from aggregates (coarse + fine) and paste (a mixture of cement, sand, water, and
additives) in general. High-quality concrete is achieved through the use of innovative materials such as steel fiber.
Additionally, to form ultra-high concrete, it is made to be close to homogeneous. For this reason, the use of coarse
aggregates is eliminated, hence fine aggregates can blend perfectly with cement and other innovative ingredients to
form a concrete paste with higher strength than coarse aggregates. Concrete structural elements cannot be separated
from shear problems. Shear forces generally combine with bending, torsion, and axial forces. Therefore, it is
important to understand the interaction between shear and other forces.
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