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The Six Sigma method is used as an effort to minimize defective products and improve product quality in a company.
This research was conducted using the DMAIC step. The case study taken in this research is the electrical components
and samples of the product is Bakelite busbar Holder are taken. Based on field studies conducted, this product has
the highest defect rate in the company compared to other products, namely 1.448%. The purpose of this research is
to identify the causes of defects in bakelite busbar holder products and to propose strategies to minimize product
defects using the Six Sigma method approach. By using the DMAIC stage, in the define stage, the problematic products
are determined and critical to quality diagrams are made. In the measure stage, calculations are carried out to
determine the company's DPMO and sigma level, namely 3021.87 and 4.24. In the analyze phase, Pareto diagrams,
fishbone diagrams, and FMEA are used. In the improve stage, the 5W + 1H method is used and provides suggestions
for improvements in the form of a material storage area design and One Point Lesson. Whereas in the final stage,
control is implementing using the proposals given and analyzing the results after the implementation is carried out.
Based on the implementation carried out, the DPMO value was 1312.69 and the sigma value was 4.509. It can be
seen that the DPMO value decreased by 56.56% and the company's sigma value increased by 5.846%
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