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Steven Darmawan
Harto Tanujaya
Glorianus Jonathan Hie
Crispin Verdianza


Mud Crab (Scylla) is a species of crab that is popular seafood that can be easly found in Indonesia, especially in
Sumatera Island. Unlike crab, mud crab can preserve at fishing spot before transportes and distributed.
Conventional preservation of mud crab uses block ice to reach -20o
C temp in cooler box which is heavy and
contribute most on fishing boat. Block ice load is more than 60% of a cooler box and can be easly melt due to
inproper handling. Therefore, a more modern method which lighter and lower energy consumption is needed.
Preliminary cooler box design with thermoelectric module is conducted. Thermoelectric based system, which is
light, saves electricity and does not require a large area on this cooling technology design is expected to provide
data and analysis results that help cooler box designers to produce the best performance. The designed cooler box
has the need to use it to store seafood such as mud crabs (Scylla). By using a thermoelectric cooling system, the
power that can be generated by the thermoelectric module (TEC1-12706) is 56.27 W, the maximum power that
generate is 272.5 W, and the power required if the object being cooled is mud crabs (scylla) of 3186 W and requires
17 thermoelectric modules to cool a cooler with a capacity of 30 liters

Article Details

Author Biographies

Steven Darmawan, Universitas Tarumanagara

Mechanical Engineering Department

Harto Tanujaya, Universitas Tarumanagara

Mechanical Engineering Department

Glorianus Jonathan Hie, Universitas Tarumanagara

Mechanical Engineering Department

Crispin Verdianza, Universitas Tarumanagara

Mechanical Engineering Department


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