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The use of point-of-sale cashier systems in commercial companies is still limited to using networks and
computers in some areas of the store, resulting in transaction performance being suboptimal when customer traffic
is high. However, the lack of speed in cashier machines serving customers forces them to wait for a long time in
front of the cashier counter, making it difficult for other customers to see products while shopping and disturbing
their comfort. The purpose of creating a barcode in mobile-based point-of-sale is to distribute cashiers throughout
the store to facilitate customer purchases and add cashless features that will reduce expenses such as computer
repair costs and monthly electricity bills.
The mobile-based point-of-sale application is created in the Dart language using the Flutter platform and Visual
Studio Code to write the code. The result of this application is a mobile point-of-sale display that can conduct sales
transactions simply by scanning the barcode to obtain the product code, followed by size selection and finally the
last transaction, which is cashless payment. This can make it easier for customers to avoid waiting too long and
reduce crowding in the store during peak hours. This application can also be connected to a Bluetooth printer to
easily send receipts and issue payment receipts efficiently, smoothly, sophisticatedly, and quickly
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