Main Article Content

I Wayan Sukania
Lamto Widodo
Fanny Lorensa
Jennifer Juyanto


Every consumer wants a quality product. Likewise, consumer needs for quality tote bag products.
A quality tote bag describes the suitability of the specifications of the tote bag with the needs and
desires of consumers. Research to improve the quality of tote bag products was conducted at an
MSME in Indonesia that sells tote bag products in one of the largest marketplaces in Indonesia.
Based on the results of the initial data collection, information was obtained that the quality of the
tote bag could still be improved. Therefore it is necessary to do research to produce a better tote
bag design. The Quality Function Deployment (QFD) approach is used to improve the design and
specifications of the tote bag product. The research began by gathering information from
respondents regarding the needs and desires regarding the tote bag product. The needs and desires
that have been identified will become the basis for the development of tote bag products using the
House of Quality (HoQ) method. Through the design stages produced several concepts to be
selected according to predetermined criteria. Two types of tote bag designs were prototyped to be
assessed by consumers. The survey results prove that consumers prefer the newest tote bag product
compared to the previous tote bag product.

Article Details

Author Biographies

I Wayan Sukania, Universitas Tarumanagara

Industrial Engineering Programe

Lamto Widodo, Universitas Tarumanagara

Industrial Engineering Programe

Fanny Lorensa, Universitas Tarumanagara

Industrial Engineering Programe

Jennifer Juyanto, Universitas Tarumanagara

Industrial Engineering Programe


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