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Zyad Rusdi
Carlene Lim
Ery Dewayani


The Indonesian nation has a long history of diverse cultural journeys. A number of intangible cultural heritages
need to be preserved which refers to the 2003 UNESCO Convention. One of the best solutions for preserving
intangible cultural heritage is to use information technology, namely websites. It is very appropriate to use a
website to preserve intangible cultural heritage, which means introducing and promoting intangible cultural
heritage to the wider community, especially the younger generation. The creation of the Intangible Cultural
Heritage Website Program aims to help BPNB (Cultural Value Preservation Center) in the DKI Jakarta, Lampung,
West Java and Banten areas. BPNB has a function to preserve and promote the acculturation of cultural heritage
values to the wider community. The previous research is already conducted and the result was the user interface
design of the website. The user interface design was seen as suitable already by BPNB. The next stage was to
develop the database using MySQL and the website using PHP. Waterfall model was used to develop the website.
User Acceptance Test have been carried out and the results are the website was successfully installed at BPNB
Bandung, the users also says that the website is really helpful to document the intangible cultural heritage and also
to socialize to the public. The users already seen the website and accepts the website fully. There was feedback from
user which is to create the Android version of the website so it can be accessed more easily.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Zyad Rusdi, Universitas Tarumanagara

Information Technology Department

Carlene Lim, Universitas Tarumanagara

Information Technology Department

Ery Dewayani, Universitas Tarumanagara

Information Technology Department


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