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During construction, change orders often occur. Change orders that occurred in 10 road construction projects in the
DKI Jakarta province were calculated by the job change index. The biggest job change index was in structural work
(88.768%), and the average index of additional work changes in asphalt pavement was 77.28%. Producing the largest
added job change index in drainage work (26.31%) and less job change index of 87.6% in road performance
maintenance work. Also produces the largest average change in return on minor conditions of 107.35%. The technical
reasons for the change order in these 10 projects are: Spec and design change group, scope change group, disruption
of the project operations group, contract document discrepancies group, incompetent consultant group, document
delays group, and client financial changes, and the last is the lack of coordination with the authorities. Initiators causing
change orders are contractors, owners, other parties, and consultants.
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