Dashboard Design For Viewing Online Travel Agent Who Works With Kresna Hotel Wonosobo

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Dhewa Gunawan Putra
Dedi Trisnawarman
Zyad Rusdi


Abstract. Kresna Hotel Wonosobo is an old hotel located in Wonosobo city. Founded in 1917 under the name Grand Hotel Dieng and run by a Dutchman named JW Muthert. In modern times like today, many hotels have collaborated with Online Travel Agents (OTA). This is because OTA can help hotels on the marketing side in a wider scope. Kresna Hotel Wonosobo has collaborated with OTA since 2016. But so far, there has never been an application that can assist the hotel in evaluating, monitoring and assessing OTA activities. So the creation of a dashboard to evaluate, monitor, and assess OTA activities at Kresna Hotel Wonosobo is needed. The dashboard is made using the System Development Life Cycle (SLDC) waterfall model and the data processing process uses the nine step design method. This dashboard is focused on three OTAs, namely Traveloka, AGODA, and Tiket.com. The dashboard has succeeded in displaying all the data needed on the target Key Performance Indicators provided by the hotel. By creating a dashboard and adding a web admin, it is hoped that Kresna Hotel Wonosobo can continue to use it for OTA monitoring in the future.

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