Resource Leveling using Two-Stage Scheduling Model for a Highway Construction Project at Jakarta

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Rius Wintan
Onnyxiforus Gondokusumo


Project scheduling relates to series of activities that can have dependencies on each other during implementation. Each series of activities can cause problems from planning resource such as labor, costs, time, and heavy equipment to project implementation. The purpose of this study is to find out how to apply the two-stage scheduling optimization method for resource leveling, create a workforce histogram, and print the results of optimization resource scheduling in the form of LSM (Linear Scheduling Method) diagram. The existence of resource leveling is expected to avoid the problem of sudden resource needs or excessive resource accumulation. The biggest challenge in doing resource leveling is the increasing project duration. The two-stage scheduling optimization model has characteristics of CSP (Constraint Satisfaction Problem) so it will avoid increasing project duration. This optimization model will be carried out twice, assisted by using Microsoft Excel software with add-ins solver. The first stage will optimize the entire activities while the second stage will optimize the segment of non-controlling activities based on the CAP (Controlling Activity Path) that was formed during the first stage. The object of research used is a highway construction project at Jakarta. The results showed a new schedule with lower resource fluctuations.

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