Personnel Information System and Applied AHP Method For Selecting The Best Employee at Gadingsari Village

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Dedi Trisnawarman


Currently, we are in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 where the role of technology is very rapid. This affects the many demands and intense competition for the digitization of the work system. Personnel is one part of the government organizational structure that requires information system in order to be able manage Human Resource (HR) and the other personnel. Its purpose is to regulate the empowerment of employees according to organizational goals. This research is about the Personnel Information System (PIS) which will be designed in order to help Gadingsari Village to manage the administrative section of employees. The design method used is the waterfall method, and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method for making decisions to determine the best employees. The results of the design consist of several menus, namely Employee Data, Attendance, Employee Recommendations, Edit Profile, Employee Data Report, Attendance Report, and Managing Admin. The calculation uses the AHP method with the criteria of Responsibility, Work Experience, and Attendance. This calculation can be used for selecting the best employees with acceptable index consistency.

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