Application of Artificial Light in the Interior Design of Green Lake City Cluster East Asia Residential House in Tangerang

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The current residence is a primary need for humans, lighting is one of the requirements for humans to carry

out an activity, therefore lighting is also needed that supports human needs in living activity. In human

activities that require lighting, lighting itself is divided into two types, namely natural lighting and artificial

lighting. Natural lighting is lighting that comes from the sun as a source of light, while artificial lighting is

lighting that is produced by light sources other than natural light. Along with the times, artificial lighting has

various types of lamps, lighting procedures, lighting color display and color temperature. So that artificial

lighting is needed in order to achieve the ideal visual view for activities in every room.

Article Details

Author Biographies

Jihan, Tarumanagara University

School of Interior Design, Faculty of Fine Art and Design

Ferdinand, Tarumanagara University

School of Interior Design, Faculty of Fine Art and Design


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