Six Sigma Method for Improving the Quality of a Flat LM Type. An Evidence-Based Case Study of a PT. SPM

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Mohammad Agung Saryatmo
I Wayan Sukania


PT. SPM is a steel cutting manufacturing company. PT. SPM encountered difficulties during the manufacturing process as a result of the large number of production products classified as defective, particularly flat steel products of the Flat LM type. The company will undoubtedly suffer a loss as a result of the high number of defective products. To reduce the number of defects in manufactured products and to minimize company losses, a study was conducted using the six sigma DMAIC method to ascertain the primary causes of defects and possible improvements. According to the results of the DMAIC analysis, the most prevalent types of defects were dimensional defects that did not match the percentage of 58 percent; non-elbow defects that did not match the percentage of 24 percent; and scratch defects that did not match the percentage of 17 percent. The value of the company's process capability remains less than one (0.776), and the sigma level remains less than six (3.88). There are numerous factors that contribute to defects, including operator negligence, suboptimal machine performance, and an unsupportive work environment. Numerous improvement proposals were made in response to priority issues, including developing SOPs for worker training, developing OPL for the cutting process, and developing machine maintenance checksheets.

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