Amphibious Technology with Adaptive Buildings in Tambakrejo for the Application of Resilience Architecture

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Marcellin Gaby Sunyoto
Rudy Trisno


The tidal flooding that occurred on the coast of North Semarang has become commonplace and always appears regularly in people's lives, such as in the Tambakrejo area. Technological advances in architecture respond to this natural condition with "Amphibious Building Systems" technology which allows buildings to float following the water level during tidal flooding. The research purpose is that buildings on the coast can apply this amphibious structural system and technology to minimise the negative impact of the tidal flood itself, and the community can adapt to natural coastal conditions. The research methods are; 1) Resilience Architecture; 2) Amphibious Technology; 3) Materials & Tools. The conclusion is that this amphibious structure and technology system can be a solution in dealing with ecological changes and natural activities on the coast. The findings of this Amphibious technology are expected to help the community stabilise the economy by providing jobs that follow the area's potential, namely pond cultivation.



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Author Biographies

Marcellin Gaby Sunyoto, Department of Architecture, Universitas Tarumanagara



Rudy Trisno, Department of Architecture, Universitas Tarumanagara




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