Application of Mycelium Technology Panel in Depression Healing Space

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Editha Santika
Rudy Trisno


The use of natural materials plays a role as a form of biophilic design for depression recovery buildings. This research aims to provide adequate healing facilities for depressed patients in Jakarta with Mycotech as the primary building material that can play a good role in the recovery process of depressed patients. The methods used to support this project are; 1) Symbiosis; 2) Biophilic design; and 3) Healing architecture. This research explains the application and the effect of using environmentally friendly Mycotech materials to heal depression patients. This research makes a new health facility with a series of therapeutic programs highlighting Mycotech, thus creating an unprecedented novelty. This research creates a platform (buildings and environment) that can help depression recovery by utilizing new technologies and not harming nature.



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Author Biographies

Editha Santika, Department of Architecture, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia



Rudy Trisno, Department of Architecture, Universitas Tarumanagara, Jakarta, Indonesia




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