International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities 2024-06-26T02:21:03+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p>International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities</p> PREVENTION POLICY ON ANTI-COUNTERFEITING INDONESIA RUPIAH 2024-04-05T04:22:56+00:00 Margamu Desy Putri Dewi Ade Adhari <p><em>The circulation of counterfeit rupiah in Indonesia has brought considerable losses. The impact can threaten political stability, monetary conditions, the national economy, to weaken public confidence in rupiah. Criminal law is unable to overcome counterfeiting of money due to weaknesses in the application of criminal sanctions so that other means are needed as an alternative method, namely crime prevention policies. Crime prevention efforts have become a solution for the international community with the implementation of the United Nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice. Thus, there is a problem that is the cause of the rampant circulation of counterfeit rupiah in Indonesia, and how the policy of preventing the circulation of counterfeit rupiah currency in Indonesia. in preventing the circulation of counterfeit rupiah must be done by eliminating conducive factors that cause the crime of rupiah counterfeiting.</em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities SEA DELIMITATION AND TERRITORY ISSUES OF QATAR AND BAHRAIN 2024-06-24T02:48:13+00:00 Renita Zulianty Ida Kurnia <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Sea delimitation and territory issues have been a persistent challenge for sovereign nations across the globe. Qatar and Bahrain are situated in the Gulf region and have experienced territorial disputes over their maritime borders. The two Arab countries have been at loggerheads over the years regarding the ownership of some islands and their sea borders. The Gulf region is renowned for its rich oil and gas reserves, and the sea delimitation issues could potentially result in a significant economic impact. The disagreement between Qatar and Bahrain dates back to 1935, when Bahrain declared its claim to some islands that Qatar believed belonged to it. The disagreement progressed to a formal claim to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in 1991. In 2001, the ICJ issued a verdict that affirmed Bahrain's control of Hawar Islands, the case regarding the maritime demarcation remained unresolved. The maritime border dispute has complicated the two nations' efforts to exploit their oil and natural gas reserves. Another point of contention is the interference of Saudi Arabia during the negotiations to resolve the delimitation issue. The mediation attempts by the United States and the United Nations to resolve the dispute have failed to achieve a breakthrough. In conclusion, the sea delimitation and the territory issues between Qatar and Bahrain is a critical concern. A peaceful settlement of conflicts can unlock the vast economic potential of the Gulf region and improve regional stability. The dialogue between the two nations must be continuous and driven by a solution-oriented approach.</span></em></p> 2024-02-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities THE INFLUENCE OF ACADEMIC STRESS ON THE SUBJECTIVE WELL-BEING OF FINAL SEMESTER STUDENTS WITH THESIS 2024-05-22T05:40:30+00:00 Josephin Sujanto Pamela Hendra Heng <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Students are individuals who have the responsibility of writing a thesis to earn a bachelor's degree.&nbsp; In completing the thesis, academic stress can occurs. Academic stress may interfere with subjective well-being, which is an individual's evaluation of a student's psychological well-being. The purpose of this research was to know the influence of academic stress on the subjective well-being of final semester students with thesis. Participants amounted to 386 students aged 20-22 years old who were preparing a thesis. This type of research is quantitative correlational non-experimental. Sun et al. (2011) constructed Educational Stress Scale for Adolescents (ESSA), with 16 items and a Cronbach Alpha of 0.848 to measures academic stress. Diener et al. (1985), constructed Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS), with 44 items and a Cronbach Alpha of 0.934, and the Satisfaction With Life Scale (SWLS), with 5 items and a Cronbach Alpha of 0.797 to measure subjective well-being. The correlational results showed p -0.427, p = 0.000 &lt; 0.05, meaning that there was a negative relationship between the two variables, which means high academic stress, low subjective well-being, and vice versa. The regression results showed F = 85.820, p = 0.000 &lt; 0.05. The correlation value (R) is 0.427 and (R</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">2</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">) is 0.183, meaning that the influence of academic stress on subjective well-being is 18.3%, while the remaining 81.7% is influenced by other factors.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities BORROWING COMMON LAW ESTOPPEL FOR THE SETTLEMENT OF UNWRITTEN AGREEMENT IN INDONESIA 2024-04-05T05:18:06+00:00 Sunarsih Gunardi Gunardi Amad Sudiro <p><em>The recognition of the binding force of unwritten agreements is still uncertain in Indonesia, depending on the judgment of the examining judge. Unlike in the common law countries, the parties entering into unwritten agreements as long as they fulfill the validity of the agreement are protected by the prevailing estoppel. This research aims to investigate the existence of estoppel or its values in the Indonesian Civil Code, which can be used as the basis for the settlement of disputes arising from unwritten agreements in the Indonesian courts. The research will draw comparisons between the application of estoppel in countries adhering to the Common Law legal tradition and dispute settlement of unwritten agreements in Indonesia as a country adhering the Civil Law legal tradition. Estoppel is defined as the prohibition of denying or revoking promises having created reliance to other parties; and by the enforcement of estoppel principle, unwritten agreements as long as complying the terms and conditions for legally binding agreement, shall be declared to be legally binding. This legal research, primarily normative and explanatory, utilizes secondary data for micro-comparative analysis, exploring the borrowing of estoppel from Common Law into the Indonesian Civil Code. The conclusion of this research is expected to contribute an input for the prevailing regulation concerning the recognition or binding force of unwritten agreements by virtue of Article 1320 of the Indonesian Civil Code.</em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN PSYCHOLOGICAL WELL-BEING AND SELF-ESTEEM IN VICTIMS OF PHYSICAL BULLYING 2024-06-26T02:21:03+00:00 Angelica Valencia Raja Oloan Tumanggor <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Bullying incidents often occur in various circles and result in long-lasting emotional wounds. Psychological well- being is defined as a feeling of well-being which is divided into six dimensions, including: positive relationships with other people, self-acceptance, personal growth, mastery of the environment, purpose in life and autonomy. Self- Esteem is described as self-esteem or confidence in how a person evaluates himself. The aim of this quantitative research method is to determine the relationship between psychological well-being and self-esteem in victims of physical bullying. This research with 200 participants (59 men and 141 women) used the Psychological Well-Being measuring instrument which has 27 statement items divided into 6 dimensions: (a) self-acceptance; (b) positive relate; (c) autonomy; (d) environmental mastery; (e) purpose in life; (f) personal growth); and (g) the Self-Esteem measuring tool which has been adapted by Alwi and Razak which has three aspects: (a) physical self-esteem; (b) social self-esteem; and (c) performance self-esteem) which consists of 10 statement items using the SPSS version 27.0 application. The research produced a positive correlation test with Sig. 0.000 &lt; 0.05 which means that if a person's Psychological Well-Being is high, that person's Self-Esteem is also high. It was also concluded that the most dominant dimension of Psychological Well-Being was the Positive Relations dimension with an average value of 2,885.</span></em></p> 2024-02-21T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities TRANSFORMATIONAL LEADERSHIP AS MODERATOR BETWEEN JOB DEMANDS AND WORK ENGAGEMENT (A STUDY IN SERVICE COMPANIES) 2024-04-02T01:18:30+00:00 Vallerie Meijer P. Tommy Y.S. Suyasa <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research aims to investigate the roles of cognitive and emotional demands on work engagement, with transformational leadership as the moderator. Work engagement is a positive work condition that promotes well-being and is characterized by dedication, vigor, and absorption. Cognitive demand refers to work conditions that require individuals to focus their thoughts on their tasks, while emotional demand involves the requirement to display (or anticipate) specific emotions during social interactions at work. Transformational leadership encompasses leader behaviors that inspire, provide guidance, motivate, and encourage followers to achieve maximum results. The study involved 258 participants who were employees in service companies. The research design used in this study was non-experimental quantitative research. Three measurement instruments were employed: (1) the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), (2) the Job Demand-Resource Questionnaire, and (3) the Transformational Leadership Inventory. The results of this research indicate that employees who perceive their leaders as having high levels of transformational behavior experience an increase in work engagement when faced with cognitive demands. For employees who perceive their leaders as having low levels of transformational behavior, cognitive demands still lead to increased work engagement. However, the level of transformational leadership, whether high or low, does not play a role in increasing or decreasing the impact of emotional demands on work engagement.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities SPIRITUAL WELL-BEING EXPERIENCES OF ADOLESCENTS WHO ENGAGE IN RELIGIOUS WORSHIP: AN IPA APPROACH 2024-05-22T09:19:46+00:00 Natasha Pribadi Juniven Claudes Geneviere Michelle Karen Vanetta Asiva Zahra Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Adolescence is defined as a transitional period from childhood to adulthood, starting from the early teenage years extending into the early twenties. It is often associated with challenges as it is a time when teenagers strive to discover their identity. In this context, spirituality can serve as a crucial tool in helping to address various adolescent developmental issues. Therefore, this research conducts an in-depth examination of spiritual well-being (SWB) dimensions in terms of religious well-being (RWB) and existential well-being (EWB) among adolescents who engage in religious worship, while also identifying multiple factors that drive adolescents to engage in worship. This study was conducted with three participants from different religious backgrounds using the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as a qualitative research approach focused on detailed exploration of the subjects' life experiences. Four themes were reviewed in the research findings, including worship, perceptions of God, social relationships, and personal life. Based on these findings, it is concluded that two research participants had a positive relationship with God and were able to find meaning in their worship routine, which enables them to better understand themselves, have clear life purposes, and experience a relatively high overall life satisfaction. However, one of the participants showed a strong sense of meaning of life, such as having a clear life purpose and life satisfaction in alternatives to a positive perception of God. Nonetheless, this participant did not find deep meaning in the practice of religious worship.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities THE OPTIMIZING OF MUSEUM BATIK TRUSMI WAYFINDING: SIGNAGE SYSTEMS STUDY FOR ENHANCED VISITOR CIRCULATION 2024-05-22T05:25:59+00:00 Alexandrea Stacey Mazella Hadipurnama Anabella Ruthshaina Widjaja Clara Valenza Fivanda Fivanda <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Cirebon, nestled on the north coast of Java in Indonesia, is a treasure trove of cultural richness that has withstood the test of time. Its cultural heritage is a testament to the fascinating interplay of Javanese, Sundanese, and Chinese influences, creating a unique and enchanting tapestry. The heart of Cirebon's cultural richness lies in its traditional arts and crafts. The city is renowned for its exquisite batik, a form of textile art where intricate patterns are painstakingly hand-drawn or stamped onto fabric. Cirebon's batik designs are characterized by vibrant colors and intricate motifs, reflecting a harmonious blend of Javanese and Chinese aesthetics which have earned it a special place in the world of textile art. This research focuses on enhancing visitor navigation within the Batik Trusmi Museum, recognizing that effective wayfinding is crucial for a fulfilling museum experience. The study comprehensively evaluates the museum's current signage system, examining its clarity, effectiveness, and functionality. It explores the potential of innovative signage solutions to improve visitor circulation, addressing existing challenges and incorporating cutting-edge design principles. Additionally, the study aims to infuse local cultural elements like Batik fabric and indigenous materials into signage design, creating sustainable and culturally resonant solutions. By analyzing user feedback and considering the unique cultural context, this research aims to provide practical recommendations to make the museum more accessible, engaging, and inclusive for all visitors. The goal is to offer insights into tailoring signage systems to enhance visitor circulation, foster cultural engagement, and elevate the overall museum experience at Batik Trusmi.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities THE INFLUENCE OF THE LECTURERS’ PERCEIVED BEHAVIORAL CONTROL TOWARDS INTENTION TO USE ONLINE LEARNING SYSTEM DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 2024-02-05T06:45:19+00:00 Simon Petrus Wenehenubun Johny Natu Prihanto <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to analyze the influence of lecturers’ perceived behavioral control on the intention to use the online system in teaching and learning. The impact of Covid 19 requires every university to provide learning support facilities, including the Learning Management System (LMS). Lectures need to make use of LMS effectively in achieving learning objectives. Data were collected using a questionnaire with a google form. There were 162 lecturers from various private universities in Jabodetabek. For the data analysis, we used structural equation modeling (SEM) PLS 3.0. The results revealed that the lecturers felt confident in using the LMS provided by the university. Lecturers have behavioral beliefs, normative beliefs, and control beliefs in facilitating learning for students. They do believe that the LMS provided by the university is effective in the learning process and makes it easier for them to teach. However, there are still obstacles to operating the available LMS features. The practical implications derived from this research are that online learning can be applied in the post-COVID-19 era and can become an effective learning model in private universities with adequate LMS facilities. Further research should be conducted with a broader scope, a larger number of respondents, and specific details regarding lecturers' PBC based on their study programs.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities COPING STRESS AND WORK PART-TIME: AN INTERPRETATIVE PHENOMENOLOGICAL ANALYSIS 2024-03-07T04:04:28+00:00 Titis Cesara Putri Maulana Hadita Putra Hendrizal Aganta Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Part-time job is familiar activity among the students. There are many reasons for students to work part time while on their studies. Many students take part-time jobs while studying to pursue a bachelor's degree. However, there are several consequences that they have to face. Some of them are include the need to complete more tasks, should checking the right times, and the ability to adapt to distinctive environment. A lot of insignificant demands between part-time work and the world of college often cause stress for the individuals who live in it. Therefore, the researcher interested in exploring the stress coping experiences of students who work part-time. This study uses </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA)</span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;"> qualitative methods. The number of participants are three people and chosen with purposeful sampling method and </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">homogeneous sampling </span></em><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">based on the three criteria. The results of the study found ten themes, namely: (a) The purpose of working part-time; (b) The benefits of the subject's part-time work; (c) The impact felt by the subject; (d) The constraints felt by the subject; (d) The pressure felt by the subject; (e) The demands felt by the subject; (f) The source of the subject's stress; (g) Coping stress; (h) Problem solving; (i) The source of the subject's coping</span></em><span style="font-weight: 400;">.</span></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities DOES MEDIA INSPIRES REALITY? UNDERSTANDING THE SELF-CONCEPT AMONG EARLY ADULT READERS OF SELF-IMPROVEMENT BOOKS 2024-03-15T02:48:53+00:00 Lygia Teresa Timoria Natan Sri Tiatri <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">Self-concept is a fundamental and personal psychological notion that every young adult possesses. There are several elements that influence the formation of a self-concept. Culture, gender, and media consumption are just a few examples. However, the impact of media (books, games, films, music, etc.) on a particular&nbsp;individual mental processes is yet largely unexplored. More so in Indonesia. Researcher&nbsp;chose self-improvement or self-help books from among the numerous sorts of literature. Stress, self-confidence, relationships, self-development, and identity are a few of the subjects that are regularly brought up in self-improvement books. Topics like this tend to emerge as inner ideas among individuals in their early adulthood. The purpose of this study is to explore the thought process that young adult readers of self-improvement books go through and how these thought process influenced their self-concept development. Purposive sampling was used to choose research participants. Three young adults who were readers of the self-improvement book were recruited as the study's participants. Data processing for the study involves Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method. In-depth interviews with subjects and interview observations were all used to collect research data. The study found that reading self-improvement books with a focus on self-identity is an inspirational experience for young adults through modeling mechanism. Given the shortage of research on this subject, this study helps to provide innovative knowledge and understanding. Further research regarding individual self-concept and how it interacts with media consumption is hoped to be conducted in the future.</span></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities COMMUNITY INFORMATION BEHAVIOR IN THE ERA OF INFORMATION DISCLOSURE 2024-03-19T02:38:52+00:00 Richard Togaranta Ginting Syarifurohmat Pratama Santoso Fransiska Timoria Samosir <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of information in the community of Nusa Penida District, Klungkung Regency, Bali. The method used in this study is a quantitative descriptive method using the Niedzwiedzka Model. The population of this research is the people of Nusa Penida, amounting to approximately 50,000 people spread over 16 villages. Determination of the sample using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 10% so that a sample of 110 people is obtained. The sampling technique in this study used a stratified random sampling technique. The data collection technique of this research used a questionnaire. The results of this study are expected to provide an overview of the behavior of identifying information needs, decisions to seek information, behavior of implementing strategies in finding information. In addition, this study will find information selection behavior, namely by comparing and evaluating information with their own knowledge and then selecting relevant information.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities OBSESSION WITH KOREAN BEAUTY STANDARD: ITS ROLE IN CAUSING BODY DISSATISFACTION AND EXCESSIVE SKINCARE BUYING 2024-03-15T03:17:07+00:00 Stephanie Natasya Kristoforus Nugrahanto Sri Tiatri <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The rapid globalization makes cultural exchange easier. The society quickly absorbed and adapted the foreign products and cultures. Korean culture is one of them. Korean culture has become one of the main trends in Asia, not least in Indonesia. Youthful and healthy skin are one of the most dominant aspects of Korean celebrities. That aspect becomes the main impetus for fans to link Korean celebrities' appearance to Korean skincare. In fact, most of the cosmetic industry is based on the insecurities we feel about our own faces, skin, and bodies, especially women. They are willing to spend hours applying various cosmetic and beauty products, in order to maintain a beautiful appearance, believing that cosmetics will make a big difference in their lives. In fact, those products can never fully fulfill what they want. This finally leads to further psychological impact, namely body dissatisfaction. The purpose of this study is to examine how much the percentage of obsession with Korean beauty standards plays a role in causing body dissatisfaction. In addition, the researcher added, how much that leads to excessive skincare buying, and what type of beauty product is their preference. Participants are teenagers with an age range of 18-24 years. The method used is a quantitative method, by distributing questionnaires through social media and offline. Participants were 205 female adolescents at the age between 18-24. The method used is quantitative method, by distributing questionnaires through social media and offline. Data were processed using SPSS and analyzed using linear regression. The results showed that obsession with Korean beauty standards contributed 57.6% in causing body dissatisfaction, and 3.1% in causing excessive skincare buying behavior. Beauty products that dominate participants' preferences are Korean skincare products (42.4%).</span></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities ADOLESCENT BOYS' SELF ESTEEM AND BODY SHAMING 2024-03-20T02:12:02+00:00 Maulydia Fitriani Deandra Nur Alyshia Andara Nabila Tifani Fransisca Iriani R. Dewi <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This research is qualitative research, using a descriptive method. The formulation of the problem studied is about the self-esteem of adolescents who experience body shaming in adolescent boys. The focus of this research is three young men aged 19-20 years who experience body shaming covering aspects of self-esteem, power, significance, wisdom, and competence. This study aims to describe self-esteem in adolescents who experience body shaming in male adolescents.&nbsp; Through this interview process we could see similarities between the three, namely that they had experienced low self-evaluation due to body shaming behavior. However, the three participants were supported by having quite high dimensions of power and competence in self-esteem. Based on the background of this research, in general female teenagers tend to experience decreased self-esteem more easily due to body shaming. The results of this study indicate that there is a change in the self-esteem of men who experience body shaming from low to high, where this can be seen from the aspect of strength in self-regulation and influencing others, the aspect of meaningfulness where adolescents feel physically not unique and the aspect of ability namely the inability of adolescents to show their potential in public, based on these three aspects, adolescent self-esteem is quite high.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities THE INFLUENCE OF INSTAGRAM USE ON SOCIAL ANXIETY IN EARLY ADULTHOOD 2024-03-22T03:13:41+00:00 Rr. Pramesthi Ardya Kusuma Dewi Pamela Hendra Heng <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">One of the online social media platforms is instagram, which can connect individuals to communicate remotely and visually, which can lead to anxiety as a result of negative social comparison and fear of missing out. Anxiety is a condition where individuals experience fear if they do not get support and acceptance from their environment. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of instagram use on social anxiety in early adulthood. A total of 258 psychology students, from university X who use instagram at least once a week with an age range of 20-40 years, participated in this study. Quantitative non-experimental correlation was the research method used. Social anxiety was measured using the Social Anxiety Scales for Adolescent (SAS-A) from La Greca and Lopez (1998) which has been translated by Ivana (2022), with a total of 18 items and a Cronbach Alpha of 0.928. Meanwhile, instagram was measured using The Passive Active Use Measure (PAUM) by Gerson et al. (2017) which has been adapted by Amanda (2020), with 10 items and a Cronbach Alpha of 0.822. The correlation test results show that the p value is -0.072 and the significance value of p = 0.248 &gt; 0.05 which means that social anxiety has no correlation with instagram, but one of the dimensions, namely Social Avoidance and Distress-General (SAD-G) has a significant negative correlation with instagram usage. Regression tests were not performed because there is no correlation between variables. The conclusion of this study is the higher the social anxiety, the lower the use of instagram.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities THE INTERIOR DESIGN OF ANANTA LEGIAN HOTEL BALI WITH A MODERN BALI CONCEPT 2024-03-22T04:57:45+00:00 Livia Livia Adi Ismanto Kris Wardhana <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">The Bali Islands are one of Indonesia's popular tourist areas which are visited by many local and foreign tourists. The tourism sector is one of the sectors that has been seriously impacted by the global Covid-19 pandemic, including on the Bali Islands. The level of tourist visits and hotel occupancy in 2020-2021 has decreased drastically compared to before the pandemic. The end of 2022 will see the revival of the tourism sector, marked by the government's policy of eliminating PPKM towards an endemic period. This allows public hotel facilities in Bali to adjust and improve the condition of hotel facilities as a means of accommodation for local and foreign tourists. So a hotel interior design is needed that is competitive and in line with current design developments. The case study in this research is the Ananta hotel in Legian Bali which aims to create a contemporary interior design theme using a design method consisting of two stages, namely analysis and synthesis. The analysis stage will use a qualitative descriptive method in the form of image analysis to obtain keywords that are formulated into design themes. Then proceed with the synthesis stage to implement the design theme into a visual design form. The results of the image analysis formulated the concept of the Bali Modern design theme to solve the interior design solution for the Ananta hotel which is able to meet accommodation needs in accordance with the latest design trends. The implementation of the Bali Modern design theme concept is strengthened by the natural impression of the beach which strengthens the impression of a modern resort and is combined with typical Balinese decorations to provide a different identity and experience at the Ananta hotel. It is hoped that the results of this design can provide contemporary alternative hotel solutions in accordance with global needs and trends.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities SOCIAL INTERACTION SKILLS AMONG ADOLESCENTS IN UJOH BILANG, MAHAKAM ULU: IS IT RELATED TO ONLINE GAME ADDICTION? 2024-03-25T02:36:56+00:00 Hendrikus Hirang Jap Tji Beng Kristoforus Nugrahanto Sri Tiatri <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">In the era of globalization marked by rapid technological advancements, online games have become an integral part of daily life, especially among adolescents. Online games provide a platform for virtual interaction and the formation of online communities that influence the development of players. However, online game addiction can have positive and negative consequences for adolescents, particularly concerning their social interaction skills in the village of Ujoh Bilang, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. This research aims to reveal the relationship between online game addiction and social interaction skills among adolescents in the Ujoh Bilang area. The research method employed is quantitative, with data collection conducted through the distribution of questionnaires to participants, who are junior and senior high school adolescents in Ujoh Bilang, Mahakam Ulu. The collected data will be analyzed using statistical software such as SPSS and JASP. The findings of this study are expected to uncover the impact of online game addiction on the social interaction skills of adolescents in the remote village of Ujoh Bilang, which is located at a considerable distance (452.7 Km) from major cities. This research aims to provide a better understanding of the role of online games in the lives of adolescents in the Ujoh Bilang Village, Mahakam Ulu, and how online game addiction can influence their social interactions, with the hope of promoting wiser usage. The study found that there is a correlation between Online Game Addiction and social interaction among friends. However, there is no correlation between Online Game Addiction and social interaction in the school environment. Furthermore, a significant positive correlation was observed between social interaction with friends and social interaction in the school environment.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities “THE CULTURAL DIVERSITY IN INDONESIA” TOWARDS THE DECORATIVE ELEMENTS OF DKI JAKARTA REGIONAL PUBLIC LIBRARY 2024-03-25T04:38:11+00:00 Audrey Priscilla Thio Fivanda Muhammad Taufiq <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Digitalization in this era is developing rapidly. People’s interest towards reading in digital media is increasing while books, magazines and newspapers began to gradually decline. Libraries in Jakarta needs to be further improved including in terms of interior and facilities in order to increase visitors’ interest. A library is a place to store collections of books which are organized and structured according to a certain system. The pandemic situation is a challenge for libraries to continue to prioritize services to users in the society. This presents challenges towards the library services, requiring innovation and creativity as well as post-pandemic adjustments. The aim is to explain the results of innovation and design development for the DKI Jakarta Regional of Public Library. Through the theme “The Cultural Diversity of Indonesia” by implementing local cultural values and using supporting decorative elements. The application of contemporary modern design concepts to the library interior will be applied to the reading rooms and book display areas by using decorative elements of Indonesian culture in the design of floors, walls and ceilings. The method used is qualitative explorative, starting with the stages of field observation, interviews, literature study and documentation, which is followed by data processing through the analysis stages and implementation of the design results as a synthesis process. The entire reading and reception area in the library uses Indonesian decorative elements with natural materials and colors in the interior such as wood texture and bright and neutral colors used.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities INFLUENCE OF WORKPLACE WELL-BEING ON WORK ENGAGEMENT MODERATED BY PSYCHOLOGICAL CAPITAL AMONG GENERATION Z EMPLOYEES 2024-03-26T03:24:50+00:00 Noer Fitrianto Priyo Hutomo Zamralita Zamralita Rita Markus Idulfilastri <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Gen Z is the generation group with the largest number in Indonesia and second largest population in Jakarta which contributes to the demographic bonus in the largest amount. Gen Z has just entered the world of work and is a generation that is looking for happiness at work. The COVID-19 pandemic for 3 years has made many organizations implement work from home, now that COVID-19 pandemic has ended, employers need to determine how they can develop their corporate culture and workforce strategy to accommodate this phenomenon at the workplace. Jakarta is a city that is home to the head offices of state-owned companies, private companies and foreign companies, the majority of its residents have employment status as employees. This research is quantitative and non-experimental, which is expected to provide an overview of whether workplace dynamics can cause happiness among Gen Z employees in Jakarta at work and workplace, and whether personal resources can change the relationship dynamics. Sample characteristics in this study is categorized as Gen Z employees aged 20 – 26 years who are working in Jakarta with total sample of 489. Data was taken by a self-report questionnaire using measurement tool of UWES-9, WWQ, and PCQ-24. Results show that workplace well-being has a positive relationship, significantly influences work engagement. When psychological capital is placed as a moderator, it successfully moderates the relationship of workplace well-being. When psychological capital is low, the relationship is stronger and significant, but when psychological capital is high, the relationship is weaker and not significant.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities OPTIMIZING INFORMATION ON THE NATURAL POTENTIAL OF CIBUNTU TOURIST VILLAGE THROUGH SOCIAL MEDIA 2024-03-26T04:11:47+00:00 Maria Yessy Rhema Wijaya Eve Antoinette Ichwan Swabodi Rusli Adi Ismanto <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Indonesia is a rich country that has natural resources in the form of oceans, beaches and land which, if managed well, can provide enormous benefits for the Indonesian state and people. At the end of 2022, the Indonesian government will officially revoke PPKM so that community mobility will become more dynamic, which will have a positive impact on economic growth, especially in tourism areas, where the recreational needs of urban or urban communities are still very high, looking for tourist areas with good natural potential. Some of the natural tourism potential in the region can even be optimized, through processing information and promoting tourism potential through social media, one of which is the Cibuntu Tourism Village, Cirebon city with the aim of improving the quality of nature conservation and improving the regional economy as well as creating employment opportunities for the local community. in line with one of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) agendas initiated by the United Nations. Qualitative descriptive methods are used in this research to describe the SWOT analysis which can then be used as a reference parameter to produce designs and explore ideas to solve the problem of increasing information and promotion through social media. The results obtained from this research are a poster design and digital information that will be published via social media using the Tik-Tok, Facebook and Instagram applications. The results of the poster design and information received a response with the result that 30% had never heard of the Cibuntu Tourism Village, 60% received easy information from the poster design and promotions on social media and 66.7% thought it could increase visits to the Cibuntu Tourism Village. Apart from that, 30% of respondents are interested in visiting and 20% will probably visit the Cibuntu Tourism Village. From the results of this research, it is hoped that it can become a reference for Cibuntu Tourism Village managers, local governments and also tourists to obtain alternative information on potential tourist areas.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities JOB BURNOUT: PREDICTOR OF DEVIATIONS IN INTERNET USE AT WORK 2024-03-26T04:37:17+00:00 Maria Visi Theresia Fransisca Iriani Roesmala Dewi P. Tommy Y.S. Suyasa <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study aims to examine the relationship between job burnout and cyber-loafing in employees, Job burnout is characterized by emotional exhaustion, personal achievement, and depersonalization. At the same time, cyber-loafing is characterized by mild cyber-loafing (reading social media messages, sending personal e-mails; or occasionally using the internet for things that are not directly related to work) and major cyber-loafing (visiting shopping sites, playing online games/gambling, or frequently using the internet during working hours for things that are not directly related to work). The study involved 107 participants, consisting of 52 men and 55 women. Data were collected using an electronic-based questionnaire (G-Form). Participants were employees of a private company engaged in mining. The results of the Pearson Correlation test show a positive relationship between job burnout and cyber-loafing, r (105) = 0.311, p &lt; 0.01. Participants who experience high job burnout tend to deviate from using the internet at work.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities OPTIMIZATION INTERACTIVE DISPLAY MEDIA FOR PERMANENT COLLECTIONS IN THE INTERIOR DESIGN OF JAKARTA WAYANG MUSEUM 2024-03-26T05:13:57+00:00 Siti Fasha Rahma Adi Ismanto Kris Wardhana <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Museums serve as institutions that collect, maintain, research and exhibit objects that are evidence signs of natural and human evolution for study, education, and recreational purposes. The museum has an educational and recreative program, so that the collection objects on display must be adapted to global development issues in accordance with the character of visitors who are targeted by the museum. Currently, the Z generation is the dominant global generation that closely follows the trend of technological development. Generation Z as part of the target museum visitors, technological developments must also be a consideration in interior design with contemporary exhibition media following global developments. Interior design and optimization of permanent collection exhibition media with a case study of Jakarta Wayang Museum aims to create a museum concept in a conservation building that can follow the trends and developments of design and target visitors today. The interior design process begins with data collection and observation methods. Then proceed with quantitative and qualitative analysis to be used as the basis for the design concept. The results of the design of the Jakarta Wayang Museum found that the optimization of exhibition media for the permanent collection of the Jakarta Puppet Museum which is interactive and modern is able to meet the preference criteria of visitors dominated by generation Z with 85% answering that interior design and exhibition media are very interesting and contemporary. The composition of modern spaces that contrast with colonial conservation buildings also supports the creation of museum facilities that are more attractive and able to meet museums that are educational and recreative.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities THE APPLICATION OF THEMATIC CONCEPT TOWARDS INTERIOR OF “SEJARAH KEHIDUPAN” ROOM OF MUSEUM GEOLOGI BANDUNG 2024-03-26T05:44:43+00:00 Rachel Nethasya Fivanda Muhammad Taufiq <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Indonesia has a variety of tourism destinations including museums. However, over time, the frequency of museum visits in Indonesia has experienced a decline. The museum is one of the historical tourist destinations that educates visitors with cultural wealth., so the existence and relevance of the museum must be maintained, one of which is by paying attention to the interior design. The Museum Geologi Bandung is a cultural heritage museum that provides information about geology and earth sciences. One of the main exhibition rooms is the “Sejarah Kehidupan” room which tells about the development of the earth from its inception until the emergence of humans. The qualitative description method is used to present the results of descriptive analysis of the application of thematic concepts towards the "Sejarah Kehidupan" room of Museum Geologi Bandung. The aim is to find out more about how interior design can support museum needs in terms of display forms, concepts and universal visitor necessity. The design theme used is "a journey through time", adapted to the type of exhibition. The application of the thematic concept will create a unique experience for visitors and take them back to the past to learn about the beginning of the formation of the earth, the processes and changes that occurred in it, including the history of the emergence of all living things. Supported by an attractive interior theme, it will increase the number and demand of visitors to the Museum Geologi Bandung</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities DIFFERENCES IN CELEBRITY WORSHIP AMONG WOMEN IN TERMS AGE 2024-03-26T06:46:37+00:00 Azzalea Djingga Miranda Widya Winata Agustina <p><em><span style="font-weight: 400;">Korean culture has become one of the most popular cultures in recent years. Indonesian people can easily accept the Korean Wave because it is more compatible with Indonesian culture and values than Western culture. This may happen because the geographical locations of Indonesia and Korea are both in the Asian region and adhere to Eastern culture in various things, such as how to dress. Most individuals who like K-Pop are in their early adulthood period. Other research shows that teenage girls are intensely interested in Korean culture, while plenty of adolescent boys are intensely interested in Korean culture. This situation arises because Korean broadcasts are exposed to female elements. One factor that influences celebrity worship is age. Participants in this study were adolescent girls and early adult women aged 17-30 years. This research uses the Celebrity Attitude Scale (CAS) measuring instrument, and data processing uses the SPSS 26 application. The research results show that there are differences in the level of celebrity worship between teenage girls and adult women in each dimension of celebrity worship. In the entertainment dimension, teenagers have an average of 47.84, while in the intense personal dimension, adult women have an average of 24.49. In the borderline pathological dimension, teenagers have an average of 10.42, and in the total dimension of celebrity worship, teenagers have an average of 81.34. In contrast, adults have an average of 78.34, which means that overall, teenagers have a greater level of celebrity worship than adults.</span></em></p> 2024-02-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 International Journal of Application on Social Science and Humanities